Hi guys,
Here is what I was on 4 weeks ago every day:
50mg Test E
100mg Tren A
100mg Mast P
50mg Anavar
25mg Winstrol
50mg Proviron
25mg Exemestane pill form
50mg T3 pill form
One day I noticed I couldn’t sleep, dropped everything immediately other than T3, Test E, and aromasin.
Sleeplessness continued for 3 weeks, finally started sleeping normally around 5 days ago. I’m talking about sleeping for 3 hours then tossing and turning like on Pramipexole.
So, now, today I measured out bp at 138 88 at the blood donation center, and they denied me from donating because of 110bpm, I wanted to do some bloodletting and then call to have the blood thrown away to drop my BP.
Last 2 weeks I was taking 25mg T3. Dropped it on Friday, now it is Wednesday morning, hoping that it was causing my pulse and hand tremors, tremors almost gone but BPM still high…
How long until it returns to baseline from the T3 use? I’m guessing this t3 has been way stronger than any liqid shit I’ve taken before… I’m going to the doctor for a physical on Thursday, I have no idea what to say to her about my high blood pressure and pulse. Help?