So for the last 5 or so days i have been feeling malaise throughout the day, feeling drained and no energy. I am also getting frequent heart palpitations which worry me.
Also, slight chest discomfort but it seems as if my ribcage hurts ( when i press on my ribcage, the bone itself, it hurts).
Malaise is often accompanied by shortness of breath, like when you have low blood pressure (i dont it is 125/70).
I am on 125mg test e per week and suspect low e2 is causing these symptoms as i read that women during menopause experience heart palpitations due to low estrogen.
I took 12.5mg aromasin with my shot 10 days ago which i shouldnt have, as i was taking 25mg/d proviron which probably already kept e2 in check. Libido was good until sunday. Then i started feeling anxious and panicky, and get occassional tachycardia from panic.
What are your thoughts on this? I am worried about palpitations.
I should add that last injection was yesterday (no ai) and usually i feel an uplift the next day but this time around i feel as if i didnt take injection at all.
Also, i get tingling (poor circulation) in my hands, especially when i wake up, hand is asleep. Hematocrit is 0.49 and i cannot donate (low ferritin) but i dont thinl that is overly high.
You’re not making any new estrogen because the aromatase enzymes are gone, your body has to make more before estrogen increases. I had really bad palpitations for months when withdrawing off benzos and I thought it I was going to damage my heart, I had an echocardiogram and everything was fine.
You’re naturally going to worry about stuff because estrogen is crushed, low estrogen = worrying and panic.
He’s right. Give it time. I’m in the same boat as you, but it’s getting better. It takes a while.
Not everyone would agree, but getting a blood test to see where I’m at made me feel better and helps confirm your symptoms, giving you a little peace of mind. I’m waiting for results from my test yesterday to see how much E2 has come up in the last 3-4 weeks and make sure everything is headed in the right direction.
The thing is, when i first started 500mg test i felt strong and invincible. Fast forward 3 weeks in, i crashed e2 and anxiety, panic attacks and uneasiness all appeared.
ECG today showed signs of early repolarization. Doc said i was fine. I did have ultrasound done and wore 24h holter monitor a month ago. And no anomalies were found.
So it could be that stress and anxiety are causing early repolarization and palpitations.
So i am feeling like a zombie and also depressed and emotional. Similar to how i felt after last year’s transdermal cycle. amd i injected 125mg 2 days ago.
I suspect sth so i am going to test total test and e2 tomorrow.
this feels like estrogen dominance coupled with low testosterone. But we will see.
I started feeling worse after injection so either this amp was fake or somehow my e2 exploded, which is hard to believe.
I felt like this when i let my test bottom out before and hcg shot helped me in a matter of hours.
The more i read more i think that these palpitatjons could be caused by low testosterone. I have been feeling hypogonadal symptoms for close to a month now, mistaking it for all kinds of medical conditions, when in fact i was pinning olive oil.
Walking around feeling tired thinking i have some sort of brain hemmorhage and what not, i didnt even dream my test was bunk.
Your levels may be in the normal range, it may not be normal for YOU. A 426 is normal for a older man in his 70’s. I have palpitations right now because my testosterone is low, I had them before TRT as well and now they are returning now that I’ve been off TRT for 4 months.
No, your LH is suppressed because you’re injecting testosterone.
Do you get shortness of breath with these palpitations? That is what worries me. I get shortness of breath and then i feel a palpitations or two. Then after some time i feel normal again, no more shortness of breath.
The problem is is that all doctors said i was fine and i have been to the er multiple times and did ultrasound and wore 24h holter all after the 500mg blast and they said heart is healthy.
I must say that this shortness of breath accompanying palpitations is a recent phenomenon, coinciding with my test levels crashing.
Last ecg few days ago showed signs of early repolarization and i personally think that the ST segment (that small ridge after the big spike on ecg graph) was more elevated compared to previous ecg’s. I mean, i can count the squares and see that the hill is taller.
but again, doctor didnt seem concerned.
I know that low testosterone can make one more susceptible to arrhytmias but you dont usually hear people on pct suffering from arrhytmias.
I’ve had palpitations, anxiety , insomnia when i was on Nebido but i’v had the chest discomfort just as you described it when i was very low both on E2 and T sometime after i came off of Nebido…
Yes it was fine.
Knock-on-wood, but it seems that palpitations are calming down now that my balls have dropped due to clomid. And i am in a better mood.
LOL. What was that supposed to accomplish? It’s the same dose either way. Cutting you to 50mg every 3.5 days or 55mg every 3.5 days would have made a difference.
It’s not the same… 120 at once felt like to much at once to me then I crashed a bit on days 5-6. Every’body’ is different, splitting it to half the amount twice a week helps eliminate the spike/crash.
So please take back your “LOL”, forums like this are to help each other out, not laugh at people…jackass
I wasn’t laughing at you, I was laughing at your doctor, but you can stick it up your ass. Short term you might “feel” a spike, long term it will make no difference unless you have extremely low SHBG or extenuating factors. But whatever. You know where you can stick it.