Hey guys i want to do a piece to help out those that are a little confused about ending your cycles. Many bro’s end cycle with a PCT regimen. They all differ slightly in application but generally serve the purpose of restarting the precious test production asap post cycle.
personally i stopped using PCT regimens and I’ll explain why.
When on cycle you have 2 things going against you when it comes time to recover. One is Estrogen and it’s derivatives the other are the excess or exchogenous androgens in circulation.
They work against you in that they message your pituitary to halt your hpta. The only thing you can do when on a cycle is minnimise the damage.
Personally i like Nolvadex over just about any anti estrogen, i won’t get into detail why but i prefer it over the aromatose inhibitors. Nolvadex does a good job of protecting cardiac function, setting up a more favorable cholesterol profile, it also mimmics LH so there’s small ammounts of natural test production still going on during the cycle. In my experience Nolvadex at as low as 10mg used during a cycle kept my testicles 90% of their pre cycle size. This was very important to me because testiculat size is a good indicator of how fast my HPTA recovers. With severe testicular shrincage you will be very desensitised to your natural LH post cycle and you will be forced to use HCG to restore testicular mass and hence increase the sensitivity of the lyedig cell, just so that it can respond to your PCT regimen.
So that was part one of my strategy. Keep your testicles functioning and full thoughtout the cycle with Nolvadex.
In the post cycle part, i use nothing. That’s right no PCT reminen. Any PCT regimen post cycle actually keeps your HPTA from recovering. Clomid, Nolvadex, HCG etc all are considered symptomatic treatments. Your HPTA is not actually recovering it’s like a false high. As soon as you take away the PCT drugs your hpta crashes anyway, at best you’ll soften the blow.
My strategy has been to keep a cycle short, say 6-8 weeks.
Use Nolvadex to keep testicular function closer to pre cycle levels and preserve testicualr mass. 10-20 mg daily should be enough.
End the cycle with very short acting esters and absolutely no longer acting esters in your system. This is critical. You MUST be clear of all long or medium lenght esters. So check your half lives carefully. Once this is cartain i quit all cycles cold turkey.
That’s right cold turkey. What happens is that with maintained testicular mass and all Hormones cleared out in 1-2 days, there’s a sudden drop in androgens in my system. This causes a rapid kickastart of my HPTA to fill the vacum.
I’m ususally fully recovered in 2 weeks with no decrease in strenght or size. I’ve used this approach on several cycles and it always recovered me quicker then ANY PCT in the past. Give it a shot and you may be throwing out the PCT regimen sooner then later.