Restarting TRT

I’ve made some posts here. I was on TRT for 2+ years.

I came off TRT about halfway through November. I was doing 2-3 pumps of Androgel a day.

I got my “natural” levels back and they are below. 180 ng/dL for testosterone (low), and low LH as well. Doesn’t look like my natural system is restarting that well.

I’ve re-gained about 40 pounds, out of breath, depression, lethargic, unfocused, I feel terrible.

Doctor said I can do 4 pumps of Androgel a day, or 100mg/week testosterone cypionate. I don’t know what to do anymore. I can’t do 1 inch needles into myself again, I just can’t physically do it. I mentioned SC injections and he didn’t even respond. I’m 260 pounds 6’3".

First year of TRT I went to 220 pounds on 140mg/week which was troughing me in 600’s and I felt amazing. Now I’m back to feeling horrible and regained a bunch of weight.

Do I do 4 pumos of Androgel which is $125 a month, or 100mg/week of testosterone cypionate for $35 a month?

Injections are better. I don’t know why sticking yourself once a week bothers you but I get it. Its not for you. Still you can use really small pins for areas like delts etc. I use a 1/2" 25ga for delts. Alternately you could do slin pins sub q and you can’t feel a thing most times. I’m not a fan of sub q but for most it works just fine.

I never had an issue with it early on, but due to some crazy stuff that went down, I now have cPTSD. So, I have insane anxiety around things “hurting” me, even if they’re meant to help me. So when I inject, or prior to injecting, I’m convinced I’m going to inject into my vein and die of a heart attack.

I know it’s not rational or logical.

Xyosted is approved and shows great clinical data for SC delivery matching IM delivery levels. Xyosted is a $750 auto injector with Test E and sesame seed oil, no preservative. Test C is $35 for 400mg and I could just inject 0.5mL directly SC by myself. However, test C has preservative in it, a decent amount. I’m not sure how injecting benzoic acids and alcohols into fat tissue works, otherwise Xyosted would have it.

Just take Test C, say you’re going to do IM and only pin halfway so you stay SubQ.

One of the reasons I came off was because I was having severe debilitating headaches and I couldn’t really tell if they were due to hypertension or stress. Or…fluctuating hormones. 3 pumps of Androgel had me at like 175ng/dL 2.5 hours after application. I don’t know if I wasn’t absorbing it or what.

I’m torn between asking for Clomid and seeing if my levels ever return to higher or just sucking it up and being on TRT for life. I guess the fact I grew my first beard on TRT and not until, means I always had low T. And, I know how shitty low T is, but I’m kind of used to it, for lack of a better word.

I think you should give injections a serious try. I thought they were a big deal, until I started pinning… now it’s nothing and I pin daily.

It’s a pinch, then its over.

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I look forward to my dose. I guess my body knows it ‘wants’ its next dose of super soldier serum. Just gotta find me some vita-rays.


What’s your dose and schedule, and what syringe? If you don’t mind me asking. I am not lean at the moment.

I started on 1.5 inch 22gauge from first endo prescription, went to 23g 1 inch in glute, then 27g half inch insulin syringes which I’d do delts (didn’t like it), and eventually just basically used the insulin syringes in my glutes with 0.25mL (50mg) 2x a week. I never did a full 0.5mL SC injection with only a half inch syringe.

lordt, I’d be nervous about pinning with that harpoon too.

27ga .5", subcutaneous injections are what I do, but you could likely do as small as 30ga - drawing test just becomes difficult IMO.

I would ask for the same gauge and length needles (27ga x 0.5") and agree to IM injections - then just pin SubQ. Volume shouldn’t be an issue with Test C at 200mg/mL concentration, in 6 months I haven’t had any PIP from this concentrate.

You inject a full 1mL subcutaneously with a half inch insulin syringe?

Of test? No, I was just saying what the concentration of the test was.

I pin daily at .13ml/day, but I also load the syringe with L-Carnitine at pretty much 1mL, so I inject a little over 1mL total volume daily.

OP all my injections are with a 1/2’’ 30 or 31 gauge needle. It’s easy and painless. I alternate delts and quads.

To draw in 20 cc of test takes about15 seconds.

Do injections. Just gotta psych yourself up and out a little. I cannot recall the last time I used an alcohol swab on anything. Just don’t touch to bottle top or needle obviously. (best to use a swab though)

When I use to cycle I would mostly due glutes because there was so much oil. Now I just do TRT so I pin Sun morning and Weds afternoon. Usually I used a 1/2" 25ga in the delt or upper quads.

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I guess I gatta stop being a bitch and just man up and get on T and exercise. I know the alternative is to be fat, sad, depressed, and die of heart disease with natural levels of 180.


Start a log!

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SO important with trt.

I keep mine on my Iphone in the “notes” app. Date, dose, and how I feel.

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Well it sounds like you are one of those that really does need TRT versus wanting it for optimization. I have secondary hypogonadism so I need it too. I wish I didn’t trust me. It was very up and down for awhile getting dialed in.

Just keep in mind you don’t have to be a gym rat just because you are on TRT. That being said, its good for EVERYBODY to come up with an exercise regimen that they can maintain. You could pick up a sport you like combined with some regular mile walks. You could find a labor intensive hobby. If the traditional gym is your style, by all means go for it.


That’s been the hardest part to accept. I’ve been tested since my 20’s and never had a reading over 350ng/dL natural. I think the highest was 347 ng/dL once, normally high 200’s to low 300’s, with two readings below 200 ng/dL.

I’ve had life long issues too. I took my first injection at the age of 14 to induce puberty. That was 26 years ago and they had no clue what they were doing. I’m convinced now I should have stayed on it. I looked 12 years old until I was almost 30 at which I looked about 16 LOL. After TRT practically went through a second puberty and now look/feel my age. Thats probably the biggest benefit for me is just the physical aspects.

@oppenheimer Not wanting to sound like a broken record here, but I don’t see a different outcome without at least doing a trial of thyroid treatment, considering your symptoms, facial swelling, headaches, depression, lethargic, unfocused sounds an awful lot like a thyroid problem.

It’s not like your TSH isn’t high.