I don’t understand why we are even comparing Olympic Lifting to Power Lifting. The only thing they have in commen is that when you clean, at lot of guys burrow the bar, ass to the grass. And then the have to squat up. So the clean and Front squat have the most relationship. Not Deadlift or Squat! In HighSchool as a senior I was 5’ 7" and weighed a lean 160 pounds.
I powerlifting in school and outside compititons all the time. Bench was mid 300’s, Dead was mid 400’s and squat was mid 400’s. All raw. But I’ll be damned if I had trouble even hoisting 160 lbs above my head in the Clean and Jerk! C&J is all about Explosive power and Flexibility. I knew guys that could only bench 200 lbs and deadlift way less than me, and could double my Clean and Jerk. BTW 290 is State Qualifying material for anything but Heavyweight.
Enjoyed the thread and I would say, as a parent of a good jr high FB player, I need to take the right steps for lifting with my kid. I’ve lifted for a long time, nothing in competion though but it seems that Big’s bench reps are outstanding. I think FL/PA/OH have stronger kids or programs than here in sunny CA. Depending on the school. I guess the point is that, in small increments, if my kid at the combine, 3 yrs from now, can do 20 reps@185, have a shuttle close to 4 Sec, a 4.6 40 and a Vert of 30+, he’ll have some college attention, provided of course that he can actually play the game!
[quote]Scipio wrote:
Enjoyed the thread and I would say, as a parent of a good jr high FB player, I need to take the right steps for lifting with my kid. I’ve lifted for a long time, nothing in competion though but it seems that Big’s bench reps are outstanding. I think FL/PA/OH have stronger kids or programs than here in sunny CA. Depending on the school. I guess the point is that, in small increments, if my kid at the combine, 3 yrs from now, can do 20 reps@185, have a shuttle close to 4 Sec, a 4.6 40 and a Vert of 30+, he’ll have some college attention, provided of course that he can actually play the game![/quote]
You’re thinking way ahead. If iw as to think 3 years ahead I would be thiinking about getting ready to go d-1 maybe and winnning state.