My goal in life is to be pretty good at most everything. I don’t have lofty expectations of being a world class powerlifter or bodybuilder, just like I don’t ever expect to be a rockstar. I balance a lot of hobbies and it keeps me from putting too much pressure on any one of them.
Currently I’m on cycle 1 anchor 1 of the 5/3/1 Limited Time Widowmaker template from Forever.
S: 390
B: 260
D: 415
P: 150
From Thursday AM:
Up at 5 AM, coffee, then 1 scoop protein with 1 scoop Lemonade mix (30g C, 30g P)
Agile 8 and 2 x 5 box jumps
70, 85 x 5; 100 x 3
115 x 5
130 x 3
145 x 1+ (3)
190, 230 x 5; 270 x 3
310 x 5
355 x 3
395 x 1+ (3)
Tweaked my back last Monday so badly I could hardly walk for a few days. Chiro was less than helpful so I just started doing agile 8 twice a day and managed not to miss a workout. Pain is gone but discomfort isn’t, so the 3 reps on my 1+ day doesn’t concern me much. I’ll probably do the normal 7th week deload next week before starting the second anchor. It doesn’t take much to burn me or my low back out so I’m playing it cautious until I can get to a chiro that specializes in lifters (8/5 appt).