Squat - Warm up:
1x10 45lbs
1x5 115lbs
1x3 175lbs
1x2 225lbs
~285lbs - 4, 1 (Belted)
Romanian Deadlift - 155lbs - 8, 10, 5
Leg Press - 10x270lbs
Single Leg Press - 10L/Rx110lbs, 10L/Rx110lbs
Leg Press Calf Raise - 15x170lbs, 8x190lbs, 5x190lbs
Standing Hamstring Curl - 17L/Rx60lbs, 10L/Rx70lbs, 7L/Rx70lbs
Pushups - 20, 10
Dips - 35lbs - 5, 5, 5
Incline Dumbbell Press - 60lbs - 8, 8, 8
Press - Warm up:
1x5 75lbs
1x3 105lbs
~125lbs - 5
Lateral Raise - 25lbs - 17L/R, 17L/R, 12L/R
Rear Lateral Raise - 20lbs - 17L/R, 12L/R, 13L/R
Reverse Grip Pushdown - 20x60lbs, 15x70lbs, 5x80lbs
Elliptical - 30:00
Notes: I’ve been making great progress lately. I’m sleeping much better, eating better thanks to the Simple Diet listed on this site, and as a result, getting stronger, leaner, and just feeling better. I’m going back to school in a few weeks and was asked by a couple buddies to take part in a Rugby club this fall. It should be a very interesting but fun experience. All-in-all, I’m loving the process.