I love listening to these guys. The older stuff and unreleased songs are by far the best. Very talented rappers. Give them a listen. Gotta spread the word.
Same guys with that one song “Drinking in a bar” or something. “Bartender, I really did it this time. Broke my parole to have a good time…” Good song, I remember the day I first heard it exactly. We had just got our notice of termination and my boss came up to me and told me, “We had a good run my boy” Gave me an envelope full of money, my paycheck, and a “man” hug. The entire operation went bankrupt a week later. Thats was the last time I saw my kind master. sighs
bro these cats are fucken old news, though it dont matter was a good as song…sittin in traffic , another day of feelin nothin , tryna find something , i guess its back to huffin paint or model glue…awesome