Refeed Day Menu

Just wanted to post my refeed menu incase anyone wants some inspiration :grin:

Pre workout:
-1 cup milk
-1 scoop myprotein strawberry cream protein powder

Post workout:
-2 cups caramel frozen yogurt
-2 cups chocolate frozen yogurt (both fat free)
-227 grams vanilla Greek yogurt (fat free as well)

Meal 3:
-178 grams pasta (dry weight)
-1 cup pasta sauce
-1 can tuna
-1 oz feta cheese

Meal 4
-1.5 cup Trader Joe’s pumpkin pancakes (dry weight
-1 scoop myprotein chocolate protein powder

Meal 5
-1 cup cottage cheese
-4 fish oil tablets

180p/540c/25f 3100 cals

My normal macros the other 6 days of the week are 260p/250c/70f 2670 cals

Let me know what you guys think and post your your own refeed foods/menu!

Inspiration? Your refeed makes me sad


You eat 4.5 cups of yogurt in a sitting? If I did that, I’d be going straight to the toilet lol.

I kinda thought that too.

During my last refeed, I had pasta, rice, pizza, fruit smoothies, pb&j sandwiches, cream of rice with sweetened cocoa, pineapple, bananas, bread, and smashed sweet potatoes.

Now that I got to try some of the American goodies like pop tarts, donuts, twinkies and the like, I’ll make sure to reserve a place for them too next time I end up dieting and refeeding.

Not gunna lie even though I follow flexible dieting it’s still somthing to look forward to especially after 6 days of my usual macros haha

Haha you are not wrong! But especially post workout damn it’s worth it

Are you extremely lean? Why are you refeeding every week?

Also, as your calories aren’t terribly low during the week either, I don’t think to you need such frequent refeeds.

My coach and I are doing a experiment I guess you could say, long story but it hasn’t to do with manipulating HIT intervals have weekly refeeds, technically it’s not much of a refeed cuz I burn around 3500-4000 a day (due to training, work, and landscaping) but hey I’m not complaining haha. I’m not extreamly lean by any mean but my stats are 11%bf, 5 foot 9 in and 179 pounds.
