Howdy folks,
Been lurking for a little while here and decided to join in the fun. A little info on me:
Just kind of getting back into lifting the past year or so. Pretty much got out of the sport in college when I injured my back lifting (I was pretty burnt out in addition - the program they had us running was certainly overtraining).
At any rate, about a year ago I started dabbling in the weightroom again (and I mean dabbling). Been getting more serious and consistent about it since probably November and recently decided that it would probably be a good idea to get on an actual program, if only so that I don’t have to think about what I want to do on any given day (and really because there are people who know better than me who designed the program).
Anyway, as a result of my back injury I cant do traditional deadlifts (I was doing them last fall but eventually seriously wrecked my back again - it still doesnt feel 100%). But have been able to do light trap bar deads with no ill effect so far! EDIT* increased hip/ankle/back mobility has allowed me to do traditional deadlifts! Still using light weight and focusing on proper form and remaining injury free though!
I’m basically cutting right now, trying to get down to a reasonable BF%, though I suspect that I’ll add a bit of strength doing the program, if only because I havent run a legit program or trained consistently in a number of years.
Already finished the first two weeks of Madcow 5x5, and so far so good. Squatting 3x per week has been better than expected, though I do seem to have some tendon/ligament soreness behind my knees - is this to be expected?
I was a little leery of the program because I figured the squats and rows (never done these before) would not be good for my back, but so far so good, just using light weight and focusing on proper form.
My last workout (thursday) was as follows:
Bench: Same as squat
Bent over row:
dips - 3x7 @bw +35
BB curls 3x8
Tricep extensions (rope) 3x8
Multi vit + fish oil
1c 1% milk (100)
Saturday morning cigar + stroll around the city (1hour)
2 eggs scrambled with ham (350)
1c milk (100)
Ham (350)
Grilled chicken breast (300)
1c coffee w/ half and half (100)
1c Milk (100)
So around 1400 calories for the day.