[quote]Professor X wrote:
I ride a motorcycle, lift really heavy weights, and live life like an adrenalin junky. I also play video games.[/quote]
I don’t know why but thats funny as fuck
[quote]Professor X wrote:
I ride a motorcycle, lift really heavy weights, and live life like an adrenalin junky. I also play video games.[/quote]
I don’t know why but thats funny as fuck
[quote]angry chicken wrote:
I never understood why people play video games. For TEN straight hours. I too have friends that do this. And I see that a lot of my T-brethren play games. But I’ve tried it on several occasions and I’m bored out of my mind after two minutes.
Even when I was a kid, my little brother spent HOURS playing the original Legend of Zelda, where Link could only move in four directions, and I would piss him off by un screwing the fuse in the fusebox and making him start over! That was FAR more entertaining than playing the actual game! Yes, I was that sadistic older brother (but he never got in a fight in his life cuz of me, too).
So WHAT IS IT about video games that you guys like? And I’m glad that this new thread started so I could ask, cuz I’m not the type of rude asshat that would contaminate the established Geek shit thread (nor would I want to invoke the “wrath of X” LOL). Just curious.
<<<ducks back behind abstract obstacle as all sorts of weapons, laser beams, madden footballs, missiles, rockets, RPGs, and “sonic punches” are aimed in my general direction>>>
PS, I still wuvs you guys! [/quote]
Whenever I was laid off from work nothing got done around the house because if video games on the computer.
Typical day: 8:00 am, bye honey, sip coffee and start computer. 4:30 pm, she gets home, whoops where did the time go, start supper. 11:00 pm, good night honey, just about finished this level and them I’m done…not really lol.
On kill games for me it’s always wanting to see whats around the corner and how to kill it. If I decide to quit I always peek ahead to get an idea of what’s coming next when I play again. You get killed, try again, you know, just to see, next thing you know two hours gone. I don’t play as much since my graphics card is too old and I can’t aim for shit with a console(PS3)
My wife dosen’t vid out but she can play solitare for hours, WTF? Boooooooring.
[quote]Vegita wrote:
You can’t even get out of Vault 101 in an hour! Doooood! Give Fallout 3 like 4-5 good solid hours and you won’t be putting it down. All that being said, the ending was sub par. It seemed rushed, and motherfuckers, there was shit I wanted to do AFTER I beat the Enclave, so WTF is up with me “needing” to die at endgame. Pure Bullshit. Cant I send radioactive boy in my place and continue on with my bad self?
Ok. I may have exaggerated. I played enough to get out into the first town and do a little roaming in the hills. But I also forgot to save correctly and the autosave fucked me, so I had to start in the Vault again. That took some of my motivation away! haha
Maybe I will fire it up again and see. And now X has me wanting to play Assassin’s Creed 2- I only got to WATCH my brother play a little of the first
[quote]bond james bond wrote:
[quote]angry chicken wrote:
I never understood why people play video games. For TEN straight hours. I too have friends that do this. And I see that a lot of my T-brethren play games. But I’ve tried it on several occasions and I’m bored out of my mind after two minutes.
Even when I was a kid, my little brother spent HOURS playing the original Legend of Zelda, where Link could only move in four directions, and I would piss him off by un screwing the fuse in the fusebox and making him start over! That was FAR more entertaining than playing the actual game! Yes, I was that sadistic older brother (but he never got in a fight in his life cuz of me, too).
So WHAT IS IT about video games that you guys like? And I’m glad that this new thread started so I could ask, cuz I’m not the type of rude asshat that would contaminate the established Geek shit thread (nor would I want to invoke the “wrath of X” LOL). Just curious.
<<<ducks back behind abstract obstacle as all sorts of weapons, laser beams, madden footballs, missiles, rockets, RPGs, and “sonic punches” are aimed in my general direction>>>
PS, I still wuvs you guys! [/quote]
Whenever I was laid off from work nothing got done around the house because if video games on the computer.
Typical day: 8:00 am, bye honey, sip coffee and start computer. 4:30 pm, she gets home, whoops where did the time go, start supper. 11:00 pm, good night honey, just about finished this level and them I’m done…not really lol.
On kill games for me it’s always wanting to see whats around the corner and how to kill it. If I decide to quit I always peek ahead to get an idea of what’s coming next when I play again. You get killed, try again, you know, just to see, next thing you know two hours gone. I don’t play as much since my graphics card is too old and I can’t aim for shit with a console(PS3)
My wife dosen’t vid out but she can play solitare for hours, WTF? Boooooooring.
The only time I can veg out like that is maybe on Sunday. Other than that, I would be pissed if I let myself spend more than maybe an hour or so on one game.
The first time I played GTA-Sa, I remember the entire day just disappeared. I looked up and it was midnight when I started at like 8am.
I was actually mad at myself for letting that happen.
[quote]coolnatedawg wrote:
[quote]Vegita wrote:
You can’t even get out of Vault 101 in an hour! Doooood! Give Fallout 3 like 4-5 good solid hours and you won’t be putting it down. All that being said, the ending was sub par. It seemed rushed, and motherfuckers, there was shit I wanted to do AFTER I beat the Enclave, so WTF is up with me “needing” to die at endgame. Pure Bullshit. Cant I send radioactive boy in my place and continue on with my bad self?
Ok. I may have exaggerated. I played enough to get out into the first town and do a little roaming in the hills. But I also forgot to save correctly and the autosave fucked me, so I had to start in the Vault again. That took some of my motivation away! haha
Maybe I will fire it up again and see. And now X has me wanting to play Assassin’s Creed 2- I only got to WATCH my brother play a little of the first[/quote]
The first one has nothing on the second one. You don’t eve need to buy it. They fill you in on important details in the first 10min of the game for the second one.
[quote]Pootie Tang wrote:
[quote]angry chicken wrote:
I never understood why people play video games. For TEN straight hours. I too have friends that do this. And I see that a lot of my T-brethren play games. But I’ve tried it on several occasions and I’m bored out of my mind after two minutes.
Even when I was a kid, my little brother spent HOURS playing the original Legend of Zelda, where Link could only move in four directions, and I would piss him off by un screwing the fuse in the fusebox and making him start over! That was FAR more entertaining than playing the actual game! Yes, I was that sadistic older brother (but he never got in a fight in his life cuz of me, too).
So WHAT IS IT about video games that you guys like? And I’m glad that this new thread started so I could ask, cuz I’m not the type of rude asshat that would contaminate the established Geek shit thread (nor would I want to invoke the “wrath of X” LOL). Just curious.
<<<ducks back behind abstract obstacle as all sorts of weapons, laser beams, madden footballs, missiles, rockets, RPGs, and “sonic punches” are aimed in my general direction>>>
PS, I still wuvs you guys! [/quote]
It is hard to explain but, to me it’s like an interactive book. You are the protagonist or antagonist depending on the game your playing, and you actively live out the adventure. The characters on screen allow you to live out some sort of fantasy, the need for adventure or you can reignite your competitive nature by going against your fellow man. I loved playing tackle football as a kid, I love watching football on tv. Playing Madden gives me a chance to be every player on the field at once and the head coach as well.
So to me video games is like becoming someone else for a couple hours. A badass Spartan, a smart mouthed treasure hunter, a soldier in combat, a space marine, a Russian Immigrant roaming the streets of NY.
Any thing is possible. I think you pursuit of trim might have dulled your sense of escapism.[/quote]
Very well put Pootie. I concur and I read a ton of books, rarely watch TV. Just a different medium of entertainment.
[quote]angry chicken wrote:
I never understood why people play video games. For TEN straight hours. I too have friends that do this. And I see that a lot of my T-brethren play games. But I’ve tried it on several occasions and I’m bored out of my mind after two minutes.
Even when I was a kid, my little brother spent HOURS playing the original Legend of Zelda, where Link could only move in four directions, and I would piss him off by un screwing the fuse in the fusebox and making him start over! That was FAR more entertaining than playing the actual game! Yes, I was that sadistic older brother (but he never got in a fight in his life cuz of me, too).
So WHAT IS IT about video games that you guys like? And I’m glad that this new thread started so I could ask, cuz I’m not the type of rude asshat that would contaminate the established Geek shit thread (nor would I want to invoke the “wrath of X” LOL). Just curious.
<<<ducks back behind abstract obstacle as all sorts of weapons, laser beams, madden footballs, missiles, rockets, RPGs, and “sonic punches” are aimed in my general direction>>>
PS, I still wuvs you guys! [/quote]
Honestly, it was an escape for me as a kid. I, quite literally, would play all kinds of games with an unbreakable determination. My step brother and I for about 3 months straight would get up at noon, play games till about 4-6am, and then go to bed to start the whole process again the next day (fucking Diablo 2). That’s how bad I was about it- like a damn addiction.
Now I hardly ever play. I have so many other things using up my time and I have work that makes me hate looking at screens after hours. That said, my friend and I have been trying to beat Need for Speed Shift and try and make that a ritual during grilling time. I also got completely wrapped up in Batman-Arkham Asylum when that came out because it was soooooo bad ass (just ask X).
I guess now it is a maturity/time constraint thing.
PS- I bought that book you told me about but Amazon blows and I still haven’t seen a shipment notification since Sunday.
[quote]coolnatedawg wrote:
Amazon blows [/quote]
I actually like Amazon. Where else can you get “release date delivery”?
Call their customer service if you are having problems. They call you right back and you can track packages on their site.
So back on topic… can someone fill me in a little on “red dead redemption”… I didn’t look into it because as most other wild west games I assumed it would suck.
Someone thats played it… how is it… etc…
[quote]Amiright wrote:
So back on topic… can someone fill me in a little on “red dead redemption”… I didn’t look into it because as most other wild west games I assumed it would suck.
Someone thats played it… how is it… etc… [/quote]
Okay but did you read what was already written at the begining? 3rd person shooter, huge sandbox open world 57 main missions. And too many to count side missions. Tight controls on the aiming, horse takes a little practice to master. If you like story it has a decent story. Graphics better than AC2 in my opinion. Ability to save in any open field which also lets you fast travel long distances, if you horse dies, you can whistle and another on runs up. Thats all I got for now. Only about 3 hours into it.
It’s not out here til Friday, maybe OP lives in Europe. Sucks to be us. Some of the guys from the Halo: Reach group on here have got it and it makes me seethe with jealousy every time they pop up! I cannot wait for it to absorb my life.
[quote]RTJenforcer wrote:
It’s not out here til Friday, maybe OP lives in Europe. Sucks to be us. Some of the guys from the Halo: Reach group on here have got it and it makes me seethe with jealousy every time they pop up! I cannot wait for it to absorb my life.[/quote]
Yep, I’m in the same position as you as far as release dates. London. Personally, I think its a travesty that the welsh get it at the same time as we do.
BTW. Was at Betws-y-Coed not too long ago. Exceptionally beautiful place. You been?
[quote]aznt0rk wrote:
This game is awesome. I’m going to get this achievement!
ROFL!! I was reading about this in the RDR thread on ign. Going to try that when I get home.
“Hay Cowboy let me see them guns”…splat
Not sure how much time I have put into this game so far but its a lot. Cleared the first zone last night b4 work. Got Hunting, Survival and Tresur Hunting(this is really cool, at first I was like, this seams hard I’ll never do it but its really really fun) up to lvl 4 and Sharpshooting to 7. Unlocked all the outfits that you can in the first zone(cept for the DLC b/c its buged) I have never seen so many mini games in one game befor. There is Texas Holdem(buy the elegant suit in Thieves Landing to cheat), Black Jack, Dice, horse shoes, Five fingers(I think its called) and some others I cant think of off the top of my head. Haven’t played the multi-player yet but it is supose to be Epic.
Best why to make $$$ is to go on a bounty hunt and hog-tie the D-bag your after. Insted of taking him strait back to town just throw him on the back of the horse and guys will just keep coming after you. Get a shit load of ammo and about $200-$400 in just a few min.
To me the hardest part of the game so far as been the duels. Mostly b/c Im not sure how they really work, have won say 5 or so and lost 2 or 3 times that. The lack of a practice area for dueling is the biggest draw backs in the game. Be nice to go out behind the gunsmiths shop and practice your quick draw, i.e. The Good, The Bad & the Ugly.
[quote]Himora22 wrote:
[quote]aznt0rk wrote:
This game is awesome. I’m going to get this achievement!
ROFL!! I was reading about this in the RDR thread on ign. Going to try that when I get home.
“Hay Cowboy let me see them guns”…splat
Not sure how much time I have put into this game so far but its a lot. Cleared the first zone last night b4 work. Got Hunting, Survival and Tresur Hunting(this is really cool, at first I was like, this seams hard I’ll never do it but its really really fun) up to lvl 4 and Sharpshooting to 7. Unlocked all the outfits that you can in the first zone(cept for the DLC b/c its buged) I have never seen so many mini games in one game befor. There is Texas Holdem(buy the elegant suit in Thieves Landing to cheat), Black Jack, Dice, horse shoes, Five fingers(I think its called) and some others I cant think of off the top of my head. Haven’t played the multi-player yet but it is supose to be Epic.
Best why to make $$$ is to go on a bounty hunt and hog-tie the D-bag your after. Insted of taking him strait back to town just throw him on the back of the horse and guys will just keep coming after you. Get a shit load of ammo and about $200-$400 in just a few min.
To me the hardest part of the game so far as been the duels. Mostly b/c Im not sure how they really work, have won say 5 or so and lost 2 or 3 times that. The lack of a practice area for dueling is the biggest draw backs in the game. Be nice to go out behind the gunsmiths shop and practice your quick draw, i.e. The Good, The Bad & the Ugly.[/quote]
Please, please tell me the maps are big. I want San Andreas big. If bigger, I’ll cream. I love vast games and infinite expanses. I hope this is the case!
was never a fan of GTA, more so the setting than the game its self so i cant compare the two
[quote]Magicpunch wrote:
[quote]RTJenforcer wrote:
It’s not out here til Friday, maybe OP lives in Europe. Sucks to be us. Some of the guys from the Halo: Reach group on here have got it and it makes me seethe with jealousy every time they pop up! I cannot wait for it to absorb my life.[/quote]
Yep, I’m in the same position as you as far as release dates. London. Personally, I think its a travesty that the welsh get it at the same time as we do.
BTW. Was at Betws-y-Coed not too long ago. Exceptionally beautiful place. You been?[/quote]
I generally don’t venture that far North. It’s like Deliverance up there. Snowdonia is nice, but South Wales is better.
[quote]RTJenforcer wrote:
[quote]Magicpunch wrote:
[quote]RTJenforcer wrote:
It’s not out here til Friday, maybe OP lives in Europe. Sucks to be us. Some of the guys from the Halo: Reach group on here have got it and it makes me seethe with jealousy every time they pop up! I cannot wait for it to absorb my life.[/quote]
Yep, I’m in the same position as you as far as release dates. London. Personally, I think its a travesty that the welsh get it at the same time as we do.
BTW. Was at Betws-y-Coed not too long ago. Exceptionally beautiful place. You been?[/quote]
I generally don’t venture that far North. It’s like Deliverance up there. Snowdonia is nice, but South Wales is better.
I might potter down to the south for the bank holiday weekend, see if you’re telling the truth.