Hey guys, I’ve been lurking for a while here reading up and have really appreciated the good info. Cheers for that.
I want to run Cy Wilson’s cycle outlined in this article from way back in the T-Nation coffers:
Test Cyp + Sust: 350 mg/week On TRT, see explanation below
Tren Ace: 50 mg/day (350 mg/week)
Winny: 50 mg/day (350 mg/week)
Dbol: 10 mg 3x/day (210 mg/week)
***My current TRT dose is 200 mg/week of Test Cyp, which I will keep running in the background and add the Sust on top. I inject the Cyp 2x/week.
8 weeks for all (the article is not clear on length, but I feel like this is a good duration)
Aromasin as part of my TRT is 37.5 mg/week (MWF dosing). Do not intend to increase this unless necessary.
Will have a SERM on hand in case of gyno issues. I don’t expect that to be an issue. No PCT since I am on TRT
I realize the consensus here is to keep it very simple for your first cycle with Test only. But I’ve heard so many awesome things about the recomp properties of Tren, I would like to include it. The Cy Wilson article seems to take into account the synergistic properties of all 3 compounds (tren/test/winny) and makes a good case for the dbol as well.
If anything, I could see not including the dbol.
6’3, 275 lbs, 19.5% BF (calipers), 32 years old, been training for 5 years.
I’ve put more emphasis on strength than physique since I’ve been training and it has caught up with me so I would like some assistance in cleaning that up without losing strength/mass that I’ve built up.
Each time I’ve tried to cut quickly (albeit unsuccessfully), I’ve lost a significant amount of strength and taken a while to recover it. I’ve also increased my conditioning and cleaned up my diet significantly recently, yet am still having trouble dropping any bodyfat.
What do you guys think of the cycle? Should I keep it simpler, or is it ok? What about the dbol (yay or nay)?
Would I be better off keeping my TRT dose of test the same (or even lowering it) and just running higher tren?
Is 8 weeks appropriate? I am not looking to get onstage, but do want to drop a significant amount of BF. 8 weeks feels right for a first AAS cycle and I think I should be able to do some damage to my BF in that time.
Should I have some caber on hand in case of prolactin issues from the Tren? My prolactin has been well below the ceiling in my TRT bloodwork.
Thanks for stopping by.