It’s my 1st time going to be using Recpetor Max and the recommended use is 6 capusles per day. So, w/ 90 capusles i’m goign to be dry in 15 day?!!?!As a broke college student, I would rather devote more cash towards high quality food. So, you guys think it’s o.k. to lower the recommended use of it (say 3 capsules perday) so it will last me 30 days???
Also, anyone care to share their experience w/ this supplments (I understand though thta different supplments affect different people to different degrees…wow alot of differences! lol)
as a broke college student I’d skip RM altogether and spend it on other Biotest ones. I would say save your money, but as a college kid you won’t listen. I wouldn’t have
If you’re a broke college student, you’re better off sticking with the basic supplements rather than trying something like Receptormax. Way more bang for your buck.
…damn, too late now. O well, I guess i’ll use it for 15 days and then be smart about my supplement budget…A staple for me is:
Biotest’s Creatine
Flameout Fish Oil
ZMA (just bought it and im not sure if this one will stay…depends on how drastic the impact is on my body)
Whey Protein (I buy them in 10lbs and it lasts VERY LONGGG)
…All of these supplements lasts about a few months (except SURGE which lasts about a month)
So for every month I spend a little over $100 (excluding the 10lbs Whey Protein…i’m still on the first one!’s like someone keeps putting more in while i sleep!)
Are there any other Biotest supplements you guys think I should purchase or any Biotest supplements that I should replace w/ ones from my staple???
I’m really interested in what you guys think I should add or take down from my “staple” and for what reasons
Thank you
[quote]pasteee wrote:
…damn, too late now. O well, I guess i’ll use it for 15 days and then be smart about my supplement budget…A staple for me is:
Biotest’s Creatine
Flameout Fish Oil
ZMA (just bought it and im not sure if this one will stay…depends on how drastic the impact is on my body)
Whey Protein (I buy them in 10lbs and it lasts VERY LONGGG)
…All of these supplements lasts about a few months (except SURGE which lasts about a month)
So for every month I spend a little over $100 (excluding the 10lbs Whey Protein…i’m still on the first one!’s like someone keeps putting more in while i sleep!)
Are there any other Biotest supplements you guys think I should purchase or any Biotest supplements that I should replace w/ ones from my staple???
I’m really interested in what you guys think I should add or take down from my “staple” and for what reasons
Thank you[/quote]
for a broke college kid, your staples seem to be good