Thanks yes 300 daily. Check my post it’s uodated with labs a couple hours ago.
Wow your free T is really high. I guess that’s from using the cream 2x daily so you don’t really have a trough? Does that make sense. I’m injecting E3.5 days and my first labs since starting will be drawn right before my injection Thursday so I should be in a trough
Its high but not that high. that would be like a 28 in the NG/DL .The cream raises levels very easily in men, you cant dose 150mg of cypionate consistently and reach the same levels as you can wtih cream.
My free T actually isn’t all that high, to be honest. To put it in common metrics, move the decimal over one place – it’s 21.5. The upper end of the range would be 35.0. The SHBG is still binding up a ton of that total testosterone, and also likely a ton of the estrogen.
It’s true. Although I do wonder if injections may be better for high SHBG guys. Transdermal applications typically only have a minor impact on lowering SHBG. In my case, it seems to be having virtually no impact. So I’m considering injections. But upping my dose of the cream and adding Danazol are the first steps I’m trying out.
I don’t think shbg is as big of an issue with creams. You need much less Cream dosing to achieve the same levels with injections. Just look at the lab results from the Last couple guys in creams here and in excel male.
I saw one man taking 1 click at 50mg am and pm. He had super high levels.
Best thing to do is consult a doc who prescribes creams.
Totally get that. I think it will take some time to figure out the perfect dose. I haven’t noticed anything different sensitivity-wise; I just know I was way hornier for the first 4 weeks (morning wood, middle of the night wood, etc) than I have been the past 2. Hoping to return to that previous state soon!
I am working with a doctor. He still thinks my SHBG is the key issue with my hormones. I do, too. I’m hoping Danazol will bring SHBG down (maybe even cutting it in half), which should get me up to the top of the range (35-40) for Free T and should also free up some estrogen.
I can’t find that post, for some reason. Mind posting those numbers here? Pre and post labs would be amazing.
Six week in update photo. As you’d expect, not a huge difference so far (this will be a long process), but I am noticing some minor changes that are encouraging.
My body fat has dropped slightly with muscle mass and strength both slightly increasing. One thing I’ve noticed appearance-wise is that I’m starting to have a “grainier” look when I’m not filled out; I can see more veins in my midsection when I’m lean, kind of like powerlifters when they cut down after years of lifting heavy. I’d never seen that before.
Six week in numbers:
Body fat: 11% (was 11.5% at start)
Weight: 173 (was 175 at start)
Muscle mass: 145.8 (was 144.6 at start)
As I noted above, my protocol is now changing slightly. We’re going from 2-3 clicks daily to 4 clicks daily, and I am spreading these clicks across 2 applications (AM/PM) and 2 sites (scrotum/inside of leg). Further, we are adding 25 MG of Danazol EOD. Really excited for this new stuff to arrive!
Not sure if you know this. I didn’t go through the whole post to see… to be clear The cream is applied to the scrotum . This is very different than andro gel and etc. since your applying to the boys the absorption is 8x.
The cream is immediate dosing. You peak 2-4 hours after and it stays normal high for 16 or so hours. No 6 week stabilization period needed.
Sure I’ll look
Yep. I have been applying to the scrotum from the start. After my last consultation, we switched from solely scrotal application to 1/2 scrotal, 1/2 inner leg. I am also splitting my dose between 1/2 AM, 1/2 PM. Now at 4 clicks in total throughout the day, or roughly 200 mg.
Why the different sites? Just trying to lower the dose a bit? So 2 clicks is more like 1.2?
My provider is concerned about raising DHT too high. I will have that tested on my next blood test. They were supposed to do so on my previous one but missed it for some reason. So we are still doing trans-scrotal application, but not 100% there.
2 clicks is still 2 clicks – we’ve just doubled it up, so now I’m doing 4. Each click is ~50mg of T, so 4 clicks is one full rotation, or 200mg.
There is no reason to be concerned about high DHT, there are no studies showing high DHT causes any problems at all. Sick care doctors always freak out over levels above ranges, they because it’s above range that it’s somehow bad for you.
It seems that people have the misconception that DHT is some evil androgen byproduct that serves no purpose in the body but to make our prostates blow up and our hair fall out. Hopefully your doctor is more concerned about blocking DHT.
You get 85% absorption on the scrotul and 10-20% on the legs is what I meant.
Yah my doctor said nothing about dht being a cause for Concern and he’s been using cream for all his patients for quite some time now. I don’t have any issues with hair and etc and have been doing 2-3clicks in am and pm.
So, do you think 4 clicks to the scrotum daily is reasonable? Or does that sound like too many? I’ve been applying 2 to the balls, 2 to the inside of leg, where I understand the absorption rate is significantly lower. If DHT is all good, though, and there are no known side effects, I don’t see why I shouldn’t do all 4 clicks to the scrotum. I should also note that my libido has plummeted in the last 2.5 weeks after 4 weeks of through the roof results.
Have you noticed anything positive so far – specifically libido-wise? My sex drive is still in the tank for the last 2.5 weeks after 4 weeks of heaven. No idea what happened, but dying to get back to where I was.