New to TRT, Libido/E2 Issues

Brief Stats
25 y/o, 10+ years lifting, 6’2.5" 211 lbs
TRT for 8 weeks
Truly dialed nutrition and lifting past three years, gave up the bro split to hit muscle groups multi times per week (4-6 weight sessions per week) rep ranges per session either power/strength or strength/hypertrophy sessions
Started a slow cut in February and went from 235 ~18% BF to 205 ~13% BF while maintaining or increasing Big 3 (used diet breaks to maintain strength, never a straight cut). Above 405 on all 3
Goals are to look natural and lean while pushing heavy weight. This isn’t a shot at guys that look “unnatural”, I have shit insertions anyway so competing has always been out of the picture for me. More power to you guys.

I reached a plateau at 205 with fat loss, p/c/f 192/245/51 2200 kcal (at this level calories ingested is where bloodwork was taken). Weight could shoot up in a couple of days if not meticulously counting macros. Digestive issues, apathy, shit recovery.
I am willing to admit adding calories may have raised the T, but the body fat gain was just unacceptable and a lot of it was lower ab region.
Job is extremely stressful, get called into the hospital at all hours Sunday to Sunday (no off switch from work).
I wanted to find a way to increase my calories, get rid of brain fog/apathy, and achieve a leaner physique.
As it stands now (after TRT) I am stronger and slightly losing weight at 211 (~13% BF) with high/low day calories at 3200/2400 (200/430/80 and 220/212/80). Digestion has gotten better as well.

Initial Bloodwork with ranges in ( )
-LH 5.4 (1.6-8.0)
-FSH 9.2 (1.5-9.3)
-TT 466 (250-827)
-FT 7.55 ng/dL [used online calculator with measured values of 5, 44, 466 (albumin, SHBG, test respectively)]
-E2 24 ( <39 pg/ml, quest sensitive)
-Prolactin 12.9 (2-18)
-PSA 0.2 ( <4.0 ng/ml)

As an FYI these measurements were slightly high
Bilirubin 1.5 (.2-1.2)
Hemoglobin 17.5 (13.2-17.1)
Hematocrit 51.1 (38.5-50%)
LDL 106 mg/dL

Where I went wrong
I put all my trust in the clinic, the guy although not a doc has advanced degrees in physiology and assured me all his recommendations were run through the on site endocrinologist. It wasn’t until I crashed really hard (fatigue, extreme apathy/depression, loss of libido, no morning wood) that I started the deep dive on the forums. He was responsive with me whenever it came to adding to the dosage, but went dark after I had my E2 crash.
He was very quick to tinker with the plan (which should have tipped me off) and before I knew it I was unknowingly on a blast dose. He verbally told me we were doing 100 mg per week so I was stupid enough to not pay attention to the label and when he told me .5 cc I did .5 cc. Without further adieu…

Using Test Blend Cyp/Prop 200/20 mg/ml
110 mg twice weekly (E3.5D) = 220 mg per week initially then currently with 440 mg per week (when issues arise)

Week 1-4
110 mg Blend, 1 mg, 200 iu HCG anastrazole Monday morning and Thursday night

Week 5-6
Added 200 iu HCG and 1 mg AI on Saturday, had terrific erections and morning wood after the Saturday addition. Haven’t felt this good sexually probably ever.

Week 7
Started on Anavar 50 mg ED, on Thursday he told me to up the T dose to 1 cc or 220 mg of the Blend
On Friday I had my first crash feeling and continued to feel bad after HCG and 1 mg AI on saturday. Seemed like Arms were not as vascular, but couldn’t quite call it bloated (also I take Linzess 72 mcg so this may have hid the bloat?). Libido was gone. Morning wood gone. Could maintain erections and ejaculate but just didnt care enough to watch porn or have sex.

Week 8
First full week of 220 mg Test Blend E3.5D
Stopped using AI with Monday morning injection (suspected low E2), still had a crash feeling Tuesday afternoon (clinic stopped answering me), didnt use AI with Thursday injection either, felt a little better but eventually noticed puffy nipples so I sloppily cut AI in 1/3 and took that (~ .33 mg) with my HCG on Saturday. Puffy nips are gone today and I only feel a little foggy.

Provider was very quick to add AI or increase test without seeing an bloodwork. Started at 220 mg per week and after 6 weeks went to 440 mg per week. With this increase, E2 issues began. I know that current bloodwork is necessary for you guys to help with E2 and I am demanding to see the endocrinologist this week, but my question is what do I do in the meantime? Also, there has been so much tinkering in the past few weeks will the bloodwork be meaningful? Should I decrease dose and then get bloodwork?

My thinking is to decrease my T back to 110 mg E3.5D and maybe just do .25 mg AI. Also thinking of switching to 300 iu HCG E3.5D?

Sorry for the long post, but for the guys that like the deep dive I hope this is helpful. I did my best to not make newbie errors (except writing a novel), so my apologies for whatever I messed up on!

ANAVAR isn’t T.r.t also it’s an anabolic steroid… but Everything Else on your List seems okay brother.

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Damn, what were your bloods like on 440mg/wk? Anavar? This clinic is AWESOME! Wonder what your cholesterol was like on var tho. Did this clinic just put you on trt with a TT of 467 without investigating any root cause for low T? That’s madness

Yea man they came in a little hot, I may just ride the blast out for 8 weeks. What would be the best timing for my bloodwork to fix the E2 issues? Take half of Arimidex with next injection and then get bloodwork closest to halfway point between injections? Hoping that I can get some guidance here for next steps/plan going forward since these guys basically ghosted me. Worst case I’ll get blood ordered from my primary. So, stay tuned for that.

Your hormone doc prescribed you a blast? And an ENDOCRINOLOGIST facilitates all of this with periodic monitering of bloods? That’s… Awesome, and irresponsible of the doctor if the individual taking the drugs isn’t aware of the risks, but otherwise that’s progressive as fuck. Is the reason you were prescribed such a high dose because you told the doc you wanted to blast?

Fuck arimidex, that shit is harsh on lipids, men need E2 for optimal bone density, libido, sense of well-being and more. There’s a guy on here called physiolojik who is a very intelligent, consistently up to date endocrinologist and bodybuilder, I can’t advise you on what to use to combat side effects related to E2 as I’m not qualified, but why not use a SERM, it prevents the actions of estrogen in receptors sensitive to the effects of said hormone.

Bloodwork Update:

Do not have the official bloodwork but over the phone he said that my Total T was at 2500 and E2 was at 79. He is suggesting .5 mg Anastrazole EOD and lowering the T Blend back down to 200 mg/week (2 shots @ 100 mg).

New symptom: my ankles are swollen from edema (I’m not overweight and I am young).

I think I will skip the injection (T and HCG) today and resume at 100 mg on Thursday (or later). Does anyone think I should stay off the T for longer?

It’s a little more sketchy than that, I have yet to see the endo. E2 is up to 79 and Test at 2500. Ankles are swollen like a fat lady in heart failure. So now I’m a little freaked out.