Raw Powerlifting

We need a thread dedicated to raw powerlifting. We already have three sticky’s about gear, so this is for the Raw lifters only.

Topics should include:

-Favorite training program or split
-Upcoming Raw Meets
-Raw Personal Records set
-Raw elite lifters (ex. Stan Efferding)
-Best Exercises to increase your main lifts
-The big guys can post their workout here, to inspire everyone else.
-Raw Lifting Videos

I personally have competed twice last year, both raw, and both in the APA. Therefore I did use knee wraps. (metal triple black lines, if you have any questions) My lifts in the last meet went like:

520 - opener, nailed it
535 - PR, but racked it too soon didnt count
550 - I sat in the whole too long and stayed there, lol

335 - opener, easy
355 - no problem
370 - stuck two inches off chest

495 - opener, easy
515 - last meets best
525 - PR, nailed it
540 - PR, slow but got it. Yes, i took a fourth, i felt really good for some reason, and had to avenge my poor squat.

I am keeping a training log, but its hidden in the I,BB section. Before, I get hated on, let me tell your that i tried I,BB for fun and to give me a break from Westside. Now, i am back to westside since i want to compete again and im still keeping my log in the I,BB section since i already have all the I,BB stuff there.

I’m in…

So i’ve been taking a break from serious heavy lifting for the past couple years due to injuries. I couldn’t squat, and I couldn’t deadlift. Now i’m back into it, and am looking forward to setting some records in the junior division.

Currently my favorite training program is something i’ve come to on my own. Not saying others don’t work, just making good progress with this one.

Monday: Squat Day

Top half squat from pins: Work up to a “max Force Set” for 3 reps
Squat (medium stance): Work up to 3 rep max
Oly Squat: 1 or 2 sets of 10
Squat Accessory Work: Good Mornings, GHR, Adduction, Abduction, Hack Squats ( rotate through these for different rep schemes)

Tuesday: Bench

Top Half Bench from pins: Work up to a max force set for 3 reps
Bench Press: Work up to max set of 3,
Floor Press: Work up to a max force set of 3
Incline Flies: Set and rep changes
Tricep Work: Pin tricep ext, cable tricep ext, overhead tricep ext, etc…

Thursday: Deadlift

Rack pulls: Work up to a max force set of 3
Sumo Deadlift: work up to max set of 3-5, then drop 50lbs and max rep set
Chin ups: 3x8-10 weighted
Kroc Rows: 3x10

Friday: Shoulders and Arms

Top half shoulder press from pins: work up to max set of 3
Military Press: Max set of 3
Lateral Raises: 3x8-10
Barbell Curls:3x6-8
French Press:3x6-8
Incline curls: 3x6-8
Lying tricep ext: 3x5

All of these exercise can change depending on what i find as my weaknesses.

I’m planning to compete in an APA competition in November.

Currently my maxes are poor, but are coming up fast due to being able to train hard again.

Squat: 405
Bench: 330
Deadlift: 450

My log: Forums - T Nation - The World's Trusted Community for Elite Fitness

I’m really interested in exercise selection. Common knowledge is that lift variations donâ??t have as much carryover for the raw lifter (boards, bands, and boxes), but guys like Meat have great success with all kinds of variations and implements.

[quote]DoubleDuce wrote:
I’m really interested in exercise selection. Common knowledge is that lift variations donâ??t have as much carryover for the raw lifter (boards, bands, and boxes), but guys like Meat have great success with all kinds of variations and implements.[/quote]

I think chains have given me a lot of carryover to my main lifts. I would say that accommodating resistance improves speed whether you train with gear or not. I also still do my speed work with box squats, but i make sure to pause for a sec at the bottom, that way, it might improve my speed out of the hole.

I would like to hear others chime in on this too. Are chains and bands helpful to raw lifters? Dave Tate i believe says go for it and Jim Wendler thinks they carryover more to equipped guys.

Has been a year since this video

Becky Rich trains at Wild Iron. She has the all-time WR @123 raw. She trains the same as the everyone else for the most part. She uses bands, chains, box, boards, DE days, ME days, etc. Her total has really gone up since switching her training, and she dropped a weight class.

Almost all of our beginners start our raw, and they train the same too. All the gear changes is your weak points and the strain on your CNS and joints.

[quote]Wild_Iron_Gym wrote:
Becky Rich trains at Wild Iron. She has the all-time WR @123 raw. She trains the same as the everyone else for the most part. She uses bands, chains, box, boards, DE days, ME days, etc. Her total has really gone up since switching her training, and she dropped a weight class.

Almost all of our beginners start our raw, and they train the same too. All the gear changes is your weak points and the strain on your CNS and joints.[/quote]

Hell yeah, in on this shiz. Is that you isaku?

Raw thread sounds like something that has been missing around here. I don’t think training for gear lifting, and training for raw lifting is the same. I will say there are some things that can carry over, but raw is all you from the hole to lockout. I would be interested to hear from others at my level who are getting ready for raw comps, and compair notes on training… Great idea WGS…

Last Raw Comp.
Sqaut 475/500/530 missed
Bench 350/370/400 missed
Deads 550/570 missed/ no third out of gas.

Got some damn strong raw guys in here, Ill chime in. Technically I’m a raw lifter, my last comp I only wore knee wraps and a pair of briefs that gave 20 pounds of carryover so not too much

Best lifts: Squat-405… Bench-275x2 in the gym, 275 in a meet… Deadlift-475 in the gym, 455 in meet

I train with all different stuff, I use anything an everything. I like bands and chains, and boards too, I like to work my sticking points on the bench, I will squat off a box for a cycle and then free squat for a longer cycle. I Do incorporate some bands and chains into my squat, but I dont like to much. I like straight weight with different reps. I will use more this cycle I think

My deadlift is a wild game of how shitty is it going to be today, It never stays in the same direction, some training days its strong, some days its weak.

I want to get a 600 squat, 365 bench, and a 525 deadlift before I get back into gear, the squat is my main goal, but i wont be looking to hit that number for a few years.

I don’t think chains and bands are quite as effective for raw lifters, but it depends on the situation. For instance, if you miss at the top of a deadlift, chains or bands are a great to work that. You’re able to get some momentum off the ground and then power through the top of the lift. Same for squats and bench. But if you arent missing at the top of lifts, then I don’t think bands and chains are nearly as effective. BUT, they will you used to handling heavier weights which is always a plus.

I remember reading somewhere that the number one thing to help you squat/dead as a raw lifter was to strengthen your lower back/abs so the do what a suit would do, make that area the strongest link. I think having that in mind has made a huge difference. I do heavy goodmornings every week, beltless, and that has become my indicator lift. if that goes up, my dead/squat goes up.

Great thread. I am just beginning powerlifting and have no choice but to go raw. I don’t even know a person who owns a shirt so I am just sticking with 5/3/1. My first meet will probably be next February (they are few and far between in South Dakota), but I also want to give myself some time and hopefully go for a raw elite total.

It seems like the more often I can hit the main lifts, the better. I don’t really like doing assistance work.

[quote]Super Mario Bros wrote:
It seems like the more often I can hit the main lifts, the better. I don’t really like doing assistance work.[/quote]

I think no matter what, you need to do something for your lats. Lats arent really directly hit at all by the main lifts. A strong back helps lock out your deadlift and takes some of the load when you descend on your bench, thus saving energy for the positive done by your chest,tris, and shoulders.

How often have you worked up to? (hitting the main lifts)

[quote]StatutoryApe wrote:

[quote]Wild_Iron_Gym wrote:
Becky Rich trains at Wild Iron. She has the all-time WR @123 raw. She trains the same as the everyone else for the most part. She uses bands, chains, box, boards, DE days, ME days, etc. Her total has really gone up since switching her training, and she dropped a weight class.

Almost all of our beginners start our raw, and they train the same too. All the gear changes is your weak points and the strain on your CNS and joints.[/quote]

Hell yeah, in on this shiz. Is that you isaku?[/quote]

No, it’s Marcus. I own the gym.

Been competing since 2008, but have lifted since 2005. I predominately compete in IPF comps (belt only). I only did one full comp as a 198lber (I’m 6’1) where I did;


Now as a 220lber I’ve done;


Best in the gym is;


Looking to get back in to the squat since some tendonitus issues and hit 551/315/672 in 2010.

I compete equipped in the IPF, but train 99% raw. I’m planning to lift raw at a comp this summer. I train basically the same for raw as I do for geared meets, the only difference would be the weak point training.
Current best gym lifts raw at 181
Squat - 507
Bench - 315x2 (touch and go, not sure about a raw paused)
Deadlift - 661

I compete raw and equiped, mostly equipped lately, but I’ll do a raw meet this year sometime. My best raw numbers as a junior, 275 were 666, 412, 712?. I’ll do another raw meet this year because i want to get back into the raw challenge at the arnold next year. It’s going to piss a lot of people off but I use a pretty basic conjugate template. Westside rules. Here it is

Wave speed squats: 47, 51, 53%+ bands and or chains. Either 8x2 or 5x5’s. 4th week 47% no bands or chains
Speed Pulls: Usually just stay around 50% but increase weight each week. always singles. week 4 no bands or chains
RDL’s either for rep maxes or a new 6rm or 8rm


Max Bench Cycles: Floor Press, Rev. Band, Shirt up or 2-4bd. 4th week DB rep max
DB Tri’s
Pull-up variation
Face Pulls
BB Curls


Max Lower Cycles: 3rm Squat, Rev. Band DL, Suit Squat or 3rm gm or Chain Squats. 4th week no max.
Either SLDL, Chain Suspended GMs, or high rep box squats
Band Shrugs

Speed Bench: 40% raw max w/ bands and or chains, increase tension or chain each week. week 4 no bands or chains. 8x3 or 5x5
DB bench
Seated Pin Shoulder Press:10rm, 8rm, 6rm. 4th week 135 rep max
Lateral Raises
BB Rows
Seated DB PCs
Hammer Curls

Off or GPP/Recovery

Everything is subject to change based on how its progressing or not progressing.