“NEW YORK – In a four-day series of daylight raids that ended Sunday, Drug Enforcement Administration agents shut down 26 underground steroid labs and made more than 50 arrests across the country, capping what agents are calling the largest performance-enhancing drug crackdown in U.S. history. The DEA also has identified 37 Chinese factories that purportedly supplied the raw materials for the labs, a DEA spokesman told ESPN…The investigation also focused on message boards where advice is traded about obtaining raw materials, as well as on the Web sites that help the labs sell finished products to the public. Hundreds of thousands of e-mails were intercepted, according to Dan Simmons, a San Diego-based special agent for the DEA. Simmons said that no professional athletes have been implicated so far but that the e-mails are being compiled into a massive database of names and are being analyzed…“In Gear Grinder, we didn’t target the end user,” he said. “Now, we have investigative leads everywhere.” News conferences about the operation are scheduled for Monday in Kansas City, Mo.; Providence, R.I.; San Diego; Houston; and New York.”
Those are excerpts i came across in an espn article just a few minutes ago. enraged? maybe, but not roid rage. frightened? maybe, but only because this is, yet, one more step to end the lives of honest, hard working, self-conscience men (and women) in an unjust manner. who are these people to tell us what we can and cant take to maintain our bodies? and they compare AAS to such vile drugs as cocaine, meth, and heroin. the folks in this forum may take performance enhancers. of those, how many have been able to shoot any enanthate into their quad then sit on their ass and reap any benefit? how many have popped a few dbol pills then played xbox for weeks upon weeks and seen any meaningful gains in strength and quality mass? these drugs, while enhancing, are only as useful as the people taking them. now… look at cocaine. look at meth, hell look at heroin… take any of these drugs and they work with no effort on the users part. we have a class of “users” who take steroids to boost their, already, intense (for the legit user) workout, being compared to junkies who just want to skip work (if they HAVE a job!) and fry their brains! its insulting!
i apologize for the ranting, and superflous post, but id like to hear what others have to say. any thoughts? any comments? and for those who do take AAS, does anyone know the impact this has on the others? i mean i live in kansas city, one of the cities holding a press conference over these busts, and i wonder if im going to wake up over the next few weeks by phone calls from friends asking if i can bail them out. where does this leave the average steroid user? and where do we go to find trust anymore? these “law” enforcement officials have infilterated many of our lives… many of us who havent commit any crimes other than wanting an edge. we havent hurt anyone. we havent turned our lives upside down per drug use. why attack us? why attack the forums we enjoy? why rip apart the sites that we go to for, not only questions, but answers. for advice… advice to keep us safe. advice to keep those who are just beginning from making a life-threatening mistake.
tmagnum is a site where we can all come to hang out and enjoy other people’s company who share the same basic interests. its also a place we can come to get away from the wife. the girlfriend. work. we can come to let off steam. we can express our freedom of speech, and yes, get into an argument at times. but at the end of the day, being able to argue and still maintain similar interests and friendships is what makes this country, our america, so great. look, i dont complain when i workout next to a swat member and notice him taking steroids.
i dont go running to bring down the doors of several gentlemen who are distinguished police officers for doing steroids. so why are being attacked by these guys? i would say close to anyone here has seen an officer walk into your gym and you catch him taking the same stuff they are so eager to bust someone else for. how is that right? im opening this up to everyone now. i want to hear what everyone has to say.
the folks of this site, the hard working citizens of whichever country you reside (america being the greatest, besides the beaucracy of world anti-doping administration) what do you think? how do you feel about this? lets hear it.