Rate My Daily Diet

So this is basically what i eat on any given day… my schedule varies but this is pretty close to the average

advice welcome

9:30 Banana and 20g whey + 5 gram BCAA in water or cranberry juice

2 hours later 2-3 large handfuls of walnuts

1:30 Lunch: 8" Turkey and bacon sub on whole wheat bun with lettuce, tomato, onion, mustard, oil and vinegar

3-5 i make a drink with about 5 gram whey and 10 grams BCAA and drink this over the course of about 3-5PM

5:30 two to three large handfuls of raw spinach and two to three handfuls of cashews

6:30 1 banana + 20g whey + 5 gram BCAA in water

7:00-8:15 - 10g BCAA in water

Post workout
Cranberry Juice with 40g whey and 5g BCAA (looking to get malto and dextrose soon)

8oz steak or lean ground beef with 4 oz asparagus cooked in olive oil and lemon juice

12:00 15 grams 80% casein, 10% egg, 10% whey protein in water

is it working? What is your goal? What are your stats (ht/wt/bf%)?

Hard to give advice without more info. I’m more of a low/smart carb kinda guy so I don’t like the sub, but some can handle that stuff.

well yes and no(i used to eat similarly to this just larger quantities of food)
went from 155-192 in about 9 months, with not too much fat gain… problem is nowthe muscle isn’t being laid on so quickly (and the fat is) and i feel that im plateauing a little… so im really just looking to optimize and fine tune what ive got…

also right now im doing total body training three days a week

im 5’9
unsure of exact body fat … but using accumeasure calipers its between 10-15%

id like to get pretty big without going over 15% bf

end goal would be something like 215 at 8% bf… but i dont mind getting heavier than that before leaning out

How much is a ‘‘large handfull’’? Your hand? or mine?

haha yeah im sorry… i dont know
i dont have a scale or anything to measure the exact oz’s or antything

it prolly comes out to about two servings of whatever nuts im eating so around 300-400 cals

also i take 5g creatine after workout… 1000mg fishoil a day spread over three servings… and Power Drive post workout

9:30 Banana and 20g whey + 5 gram BCAA in water or cranberry juice[/quote]
add some eggs (3) or some more protein (3-4oz. meat)
(at your height and weight it would be beneficial to get at least 200g per day, 40g per 4 meals + 20g per two snacks)

2 hours later 2-3 large handfuls of walnuts[/quote]
not enough protein for me, add some meat or cottage cheese or something

The carbs at this time of day may be causing some of the fat gain. make this a P+F meal,

3-5 i make a drink with about 5 gram whey and 10 grams BCAA and drink this over the course of about 3-5PM[/quote]
only 5g of whey protein? Or is that supposed to be 50? If it’s 50 that’s cool, but i would add a fat to it, also the BCAA drink would be better suited periworkout instead of a snack, especially if you are eating.

5:30 two to three large handfuls of raw spinach and two to three handfuls of cashews[/quote]
not enough protein again, IMO

6:30 1 banana + 20g whey + 5 gram BCAA in water[/quote]
not bad, banana probably not best peri workout carb source, but you said you were working on getting seom dextrose/malto right?

7:00-8:15 - 10g BCAA in water[/quote]

[quote]Post workout
Cranberry Juice with 40g whey and 5g BCAA (looking to get malto and dextrose soon)[/quote]
get that malto/dextro and you’ll be golden, or get Surge if you can, but you knew that

8oz steak or lean ground beef with 4 oz asparagus cooked in olive oil and lemon juice[/quote]
I think i’ll have that tonight

12:00 15 grams 80% casein, 10% egg, 10% whey protein in water[/quote]

Not bad, add some PB for fat, fiber, and tasty.

Those are my thoughts.

thanks alot for the advice…i think im gonna just have to plan better and start making my meals beforehand i suppose…im sorta rushed througout the day so finger food and drinks (nuts spinach and shakes), are usually the best option for me

i think ill try to start adding some cottage cheese or beef jerky to those snacks

and the malto and dextrose should be coming soon

yeah on workout days i usually eat the sub … on non-workout days ill eat a chicken salad with some cashews

It’s too easy to spot the Jersey Mike’s in there. I wonder what the quality of their wheat bread is. That might have more effect that you think.

Peri-workout I use 15g BCAA + 10g Malto + 10g Dextro.

Post I use 28g protein + 20g malto + 20g Dextro. Might not be the correct proportions or whatever, but I’ve dropped fat that way. Then about 15 minutes after I eat some orange/tangerine/mandarin vitamin C source. Then after that some sort of carb + protein (almost always brown rice and tuna) until the two hour window runs out.

You’ve gotta be leaving something out as far as what you eat post-workout. I know you eat more than that.

yeah i altered what i eat because of some other advice i got about fruit not being a very good carb source for various reasons… im looking into getting matlo and dextrose now… also the company u ordered from… did they give u scoops or what?

also if u look my dinner falls into the two hour window

As far as I know, the rule about the 2 hour window is that you don’t want fat. You can eat as much in the way of carbs and protein as you want, but no fat.

About the fruit thing, Thib has pierce eating two oranges 15 minutes after downing Surge. If you look he really sings the praises of the vitamin C fruit.

And no they don’t give you a scoop. I’m using the same one that came with the Biotest creatine.

I’d say that’s probably the biggest thing, getting the malto/dextro and not eating a big fatty steak in that two hour window.

might have to try the oranges thing…

i was under the impression the fat thing only went for the first hour after ur workout?

Pretty sure it’s for the whole two hours. Give it a try and see if you don’t lean out a bit, fatty.