Rate Me Please & Throw Some Advice

-ive been lifting for 3 years. but it’s not a solid training. i change goals from time to time, say, bodybuilding this month - strength training next month…
sometimes i dont train at all because of some financial reasons. :slight_smile:

-right now i train for performance BUT i also wanna have a GOOD PHYSIQUE! :slight_smile:
im wondering if you guys also encounter some dilemma in training, bodybuilding or performance training???

can we combine the two?? i dunno… help me…

that’s my pic a year ago.

my newest pic.

i dunno what to do… i have a book of Chad Waterbury’s muscle revolution… do u think that might help? i mean those programs he made…

im a hardgainer…

please help… please…

Hardgainer → You need to EAT

Eat clean, pick a strength and/or hypertrophy program (I like Push-Pull http://www.T-Nation.com/readArticle.do?id=1634829) , and STICK TO IT.

EAT, LIFT, EAT, LIFT, EAT. Rinse, repeat.

start working out seriously and eating for real. looking at your pictures, you are either not working out hard or you are starving yourself.

any substitute for supplements?? coz i dont have a lot of money to buy constantly…

food is a pretty good substitute for supplements

Protein drinks, and food is all you need.

you kind of have a bruce lee physique. let’s see the cobra spread.

don’t waste your money on supplements with the exception of a protein shake if you are short on cash! EAT my man EAT

In the book Chad goes into the beg. programs, choose one of those. I would suggest any of his programs for you since they center around the core movements (bench, squat, deadlift).

For your supplements: Whole milk, eggs, steak

Height, weight and age?

height 5’3’’
weight 123 lbs.
age 20

thanx for the advices men!. :slight_smile:

how many times should i eat??

which would you recommend for me. the westside skinny bastard program or Chad Waterbury’s program??

help please…

[quote]CrewPierce wrote:
don’t waste your money on supplements with the exception of a protein shake if you are short on cash! EAT my man EAT

In the book Chad goes into the beg. programs, choose one of those. I would suggest any of his programs for you since they center around the core movements (bench, squat, deadlift).

For your supplements: Whole milk, eggs, steak[/quote]

do i have to eat the yellow part of eggs?? some people say it’s bad for the health… how many eggs do i have to eat?
is designer whey protein a good one? that’s the only protein powder i can afford. (i live in philippines - third-world country)

thanx bro…

[quote]itsthenickman wrote:
you kind of have a bruce lee physique. let’s see the cobra spread. [/quote]

haha… bruce lee’s my idol!. :slight_smile:
haha… just wait for the cobra spread man. :slight_smile:

Squats and milk.

[quote]xander_28 wrote:
CrewPierce wrote:
don’t waste your money on supplements with the exception of a protein shake if you are short on cash! EAT my man EAT

In the book Chad goes into the beg. programs, choose one of those. I would suggest any of his programs for you since they center around the core movements (bench, squat, deadlift).

For your supplements: Whole milk, eggs, steak

do i have to eat the yellow part of eggs?? some people say it’s bad for the health… how many eggs do i have to eat?
is designer whey protein a good one? that’s the only protein powder i can afford. (i live in philippines - third-world country)

thanx bro…[/quote]

Eat as many eggs as you possibly can. if you don’t have much cash, forget the protein shake. instead buy loads of eggs, milk, chicken, beef, tuna and in your case even peanut butter and junk food won’t hurt.
the egg yolks(the yellow part) contain some good fats. eat that too.

Look into the chanko diet http://www.T-Nation.com/readArticle.do?id=461534 your pretty underweight and this is a pretty good diet to help you bulk up quick.

i’m a hardgainer too man.

freshman year of college i was 19 and weighed 155lbs

30 weeks later at the end of the year i was 185lbs

“all you can eat” freshman cafe; that’s it dude.

find places where you can just hammer food down for super cheap, go there, stay there, go there again.

dont give up.

one more question,…

i wanna do the westside for skinny bastard program, coz they say it’s effective…

what u think guys??