It’s a damn shame but Lewis had his way with Rahman tonight!
Yes! I was pulling hard for Lewis. I recently saw the ESPN show “The Season” focusing on Rahman and he came across a stupid, dull, low class punk. I always liked Lewis because he’s soft spoken, classy and almost gentlemanly. That’s the way the champ should be. Holyfield was classy too. He’s one of the baddest mofos in the world, there’s no need to run around acting like a cheesy wrestler.
I wrestle professionally, and I don’t like the fact that Rahman stole WWF Rock’s nickname (I know a lot of boxers used it in the past, but hey they were all Italian. A white boxer wouldn’t use “Sugar”, would he?). I don’t like the fact he tried to cut 3rd-rate promos on Lewis, like WWF Rock. He sounded like a moron. He can barely speak. And he tried to goad Lewis into a fight on ESPN, Vince McMahon style.
Rahman should leave the wrestling shenanigans to wrestlers, and work on his chin, and on his manners.
I dont know why everyone jocks rahman so hard. He’s not that good, definately in a class below lennox tyson ruiz and all the main heavyweights. In their first fight lennox lost cuz he didn’t take the fight that seriously, he was at his heaviest bodyweight of any of his fights. Today Rahman didn’t look like he knew what he was doing. did you see how he kept lifting his arms out straight ahead of himself? Lennox is a great boxer I hope a lennox tyson fight happens in the future.
It isn’t that I’m a fan of Rahman’s, it’s that Lewis is one of the most boring boxers to watch. He’s often unmotivated and slows the fight down way too much with his clutching and grabbing (I think he’s the one that wants to be a wrestler :-). Last night was an exception but do we really want to see this guy’s lethargic ass fight Tyson (or anyone else for that matter)?
Rahman is a pretty good heavy weight, better than Tyson or Ruies. Lewis is about the most gifted boxer around, he just does not show up sometimes. Rahman can’t hold Lewis’ jock strap.
Lewis totally outclassed Hasbeen Rahman, and I see him doing the same to Tyson. Tyson wants to face Mercer as a preparation fight for LL and I see Mercer taking Mike out. I mean, look at his last fight with the “Danish Punching Bag” Nielson. He should have been able to kill an immobile, offenceless Nielson. Mercer gives everybody fits and he’s going to expose Tyson as a pretender, not a contender.
I like Lennox. He only ever does enough to win, look at his fight with Tua. He hardly broke a sweat. His effort goes up in proportion to his opponent-look at what he did to his biggest threat so far, Golota. He will knock Tyson out.
I love the way Tyson was. Im a huge fan of his, only because he like Bo Jackson, was one of those unbelievable athletes, where your jaw drops when they preform. However that said Tyson is no longer what he once was. I think Cus D’s death gave him a lot of fuel to work with, but its gone, and unless he regains that pyschotic edge he’s just a heavy puncher, no more no less.
I do not like Lennox Lewis at all. I have only seen about 6 or 7 of his fights but I just don’t like his style of fighting. Against quality competition he is just content with jabbing and escaping. Don’t get me wrong, this is highly effective as far as winning is concerned but does not seem very manly or entertaining. His two fights with Holyfield are examples of this. I think that the old Mike Tyson would have destroyed Lewis within 1 round. I just don’t think his jabs would have kept Tyson at bay. None of the taller fighters could ever do anything against the well trained Tyson besides hold him. It is so sad that the most incredible fighter of our time self destructed and wasted all of his talent. A Cus D’mato trained Tyson knocks out Lewis and even beats Ali. The current Tyson will probably get knocked out within 8 rounds or get DQed. Sad, truly sad.
I do not like Lennox Lewis at all. I have only seen about 6 or 7 of his fights but I just don’t like his style of fighting. Against quality competition he is just content with jabbing and escaping. Don’t get me wrong, this is highly effective as far as winning is concerned but does not seem very manly or entertaining. His two fights with Holyfield are examples of this. I think that the old Mike Tyson would have destroyed Lewis within 1 round. I just don’t think his jabs would have kept Tyson at bay. None of the taller fighters could ever do anything against the well trained Tyson besides hold him. It is so sad that the most incredible fighter of our time self destructed and wasted all of his talent. A Cus D’mato trained Tyson knocks out Lewis and even beats Ali. The current Tyson will probably get knocked out within 8 rounds or get DQed. Sad, truly sad.
I don’t think Lewis is boring at all. Look what he did to Rahman and Michael Grant. If someone comes after him he will brawl ,but it the opponent wants to box he will settle down and box. Everyone thought Tua was going to knock him out ,but Lewis didn’t have any trouble with him. Rahman just caught him with a lucky punch. Lewis isn’t afraid of anyone and will fight anyone. He’s been trying to fight Tyson for like the last 10 years. Tyson just keeps making excuses. Don’t get me wrong when Tyson was in his prime, I don’t think anybody could beat him. I can’t wait until the fight though. I guess it matters what Tyson and what Lewis will show up. No way Mercer is going to beat Tyson. Who has Mercer fought lately.
I know I’ll get flamed for this but i’ve been going to fights since Larry Holmes was the champ and I have to tell you that Mike Tyson is OVERRATED as a boxer. Name one quality heavyweight he fought in his prime. His fight list looks like the cream of the never-weres and has-beens. Spinks? Frank Bruno? Carl Williams? “Razor” Rudduck? Ha. What a joke.
to weaponx- In the back of my mind i know you’re right. However back in tysons prime how many great boxers were there? I have almost all tysons fights on tape and all the guys he fought were clowns. Thats why most of his fights ended in the first round. Even though tyson isn’t quite the boxer he was, i think he can beat any of the top 10 heavyweights. He’s wanted lewis for a while, and he should be motivated to train properly for this fight. Tyson has never been the same since cus damato died. Don king only worsened the situation and im sure you know the details. Since dropping king and with the new motivation to beat lewis i think tyson will easily win. ps. tyson is the best boxer of all time.
“tyson is the best boxer of all time.” ROTFLMAO. Thats some funny stuff boxcar.
Lets take a look at Tyson in his prime - 1987 -1991.
1987 : James “Bonecrusher” Smith takes Tyson the distance as Tyson wins the WBA and WBC titles. Tyson knocks out Pinklon “Who the hell is Pinklon Thomas?” Thomas in 6. Tony Tucker takes Tyson the distance as Tyson wins the IBF belt. Tyson then scores a 7th round tko against Tyrell Biggs. So we’ll call 1987 a respectable year. Certainly nothing to rank him amongst the best of all time though, not with him having to go the distance against Smith and Tucker.
1988: Tyson knock out Larry Holmes, Tony Tubbs and Michael Spinks. I don’t know if Tyson is emberrased about his opponents for 1988, but if he isn’t, well, I’m emberrased enough for the both of us.
1989: Knocks out Frank “I’m British” Bruno and Carl Williams. Ugh. 1989 speaks for itself.
1990: Loses to James "Lucky" Douglas in one of the greatest upsets of all time. makes his return to the ring by Henry Tillman and Alex Stewart each in the first round. So he loses his title and makes a comeback against two bums. Tyson has zero credibility at this point.
1991: Fights Donovan “razor” Ruddock twice. Knocks him out in 7 the first time, Razor takes him the distance the second time.
Tyson goes to jail…
Now, I’d like to know why you think Tyson is the greatest of all time. he’s not even the best heavyweight, and i came name a half dozen fighters today who are better then tyson ever was: “Sugar” Shane Mosely, Roy Jones Jr., Floyd Mayweather Jr., Bernard Hopkins, Erik Morales, De La Hoya and Trinidad.
As far as the best heavyweights ever, Tyson wouldn’t even make my top 10. Not with Ali, Liston, Dempsy, Holmes, Frazier, Louis, Walcott and Marciano around.
I know I started this thread, which kind of implicates me in the legitimizing of “who’s the best?” However, one thing that has to be understood more than anything else is the involvement of the mob and how currupt professional boxing was/is.
Weapon X, when evaluating your choices for who’s better than Tyson what did you take into consideration? I’m inquiring, because Tyson provides the attribute of excitability/entertainment to the masses that no one can touch.
I got a question. How can you say that anybody that Tyson ever fought is no good. These are the best heavyweights the world has to offer at the time. Now they might not be as good as some of the greats, but you can’t say they are just garbage