Hello, been reading here for a wile figure I would post my question and issues I have ran into . So been on test for about a year . When I first started messing around with sarms I had a test level of 450 I was 40 years old . Well I ended up shutting down my natural test listening to people. First mistake. I ended up going on test cyp 250 a week for a wile under a friends care that also ended up a wreck . Had me up to 500 a week that had me at 3560. I ended up staying at 250 and that still kept me at 1900+. I have tried test cycle. Test /anavar cycle , test Tbol cycle . All 8 week . Tried NPP 50mg with 125 test didn’t work out , threw Masteron in the mix to counter estrogen, didn’t work out . Dropped it in 3 weeks . Again under a friends advice. This cycle I wanted to just run test 250 split into 125/125 twice a week with 50 primo twice a week and it crashed my estrogen . I know the symptoms. Lost sex drive for about 5-6 days , skin got real dry , muscles went flat , pissed out 6lb of water . I’m starting to see I don’t convert much on test by itself and feel my best on just test . But wanted to try primo with it . I have also ran Masteron. Is it possible I’m just hyper responsive to these things ? Sounds crazy but 100mg of primo with 250+ test crashed my Estrogen. Let me know what you guys think . I’m 42 , was 203 about 10% BF at the moment. Weight is 196lb as of now . I have had high estrogen before and low and know the difference from blood work etc . I do have a test on the way but going to save it as I feel better .
Any tips guys thx
Yes, put your question in the Pharma section.
No idea how to do that my man .