[quote] Brook wrote:
Mousse wrote:
Good to know. Reason for bump in Test was to enable me to bump up the Tren yet maintain Test/Tren ratio. Have you went above 50ED with Tren ever?
I figured if it’s going to shut me down a little anyway that I should maximize the dosage - but if you’ve had good results with 50ED then I may actually do just that - looking for a drier look anyway.
You are doing a cutting cycle right?
The reason for including test was the DHT - ie. the libido and mood benefits with the concurrent use of the uncomfortable androgen trenbolone, correct?
Well… Masteron will do all that for you. IMO Mast and Tren is a good basic cutting cycle that is not going to aromatize and will give good anabolism and massive MASSIVE androgenicity.
The test will increase gains potential, but will also add plenty of estrogen to the equation which will ask for a decently generous dose of an AI… water… etc.
This will be reduced a little by the masteron but accentuated by the tren… 6 of one or 1/2 a dozen of the other!
It is a good addition, but i wanted to let you know that if your motives for adding it were only those i wrote above, then it is not too necessary and you could save your money.
You could also do the stasis taper with masteron IIRC.
JJ - great insight, thanks.
Yeh, cutting cycle although my bf is relatively higher than most, it’s pretty decent for me. And I may go with a lower dose test now, but yeh, I’m going to need it for wood, which is the reason behind the test. As you may or may not remember I’m 40 and my FT levels only hover around 300, so I take every opportunity to incorporate test as I enjoy the libido boost. So, WTBS, I do not question your knowledge, but not only do I enjoy the test but the mere thought of running tren without test scares the hell out of me.
With regard to the taper: I thought about using the masteron during stasis, but taper? Thought that was a no no.
Anybody have thoughts on a minimum test/tren ratio? Ideal ratios appear to be all over the place from 3:1 to 3:2 to 5:3