Okay guys, you always seem to help me solve my technical/computer probs, so here’s the latest -lol
Got a new IPOD for the holidays, but have most of my music and vids on my old model. ITUNES won’t let me drag/drop or copy/paste anything from my old model into the library (so I can recopy what I want onto the new one). Is this some sort of BS Apple security thing, or am I just being an idiot?
(Also having trouble putting photos on the new Ipod as well, there’s no Photo section even on ITunes, and ‘adding file’ doesn’t seem to actually move anything)
I’m speaking from iPhone experience, but can’t imagine it being much different.
You can only sync songs/vids that are on your current computer. And then you just add them to your iTunes library.
If you’re trying to get songs off your old Ipod onto your computer that won’t happen.
Plug in your iPod and sync it with your computer, it should list a section near the top for photos and whatever pictures are in your My Docs, Pictures folder you can choose to sync or not by folder.
I don’t know how the old one works, but if I’m not mistaken (My sister has one, not me), you need to install iTunes, and synch your entire music collection by letting it search your hard drives for media files. Then you should be able to synch the music that it now added to your library to your iPod. Sorry if I couldn’t be of more help. Thought I’d give it a try.
This is why I hate iPods; to my knowledge, you CAN’T copy that music from your ipod - you need the original mp3s on your hard drive.
I know that on the iphone you can get a free app made by google that will enable you to browse the phone and remove any files you like, but I’m not sure if that exists for the ipods too.
[quote]FlameofOsiris wrote:
I don’t know how the old one works, but if I’m not mistaken (My sister has one, not me), you need to install iTunes, and synch your entire music collection by letting it search your hard drives for media files. Then you should be able to synch the music that it now added to your library to your iPod. Sorry if I couldn’t be of more help. Thought I’d give it a try. [/quote]
On the iphone, if you sync and the music isn’t there, it gets removed. I’d avoid syncing the old player till you are sure.
I got the new ITouch one, which is kinda cool, but it will essentially be useless to me if I can’t get my tunes on it. Is there some way to backup stuff from an IPOD onto an external cd, or is that just too simple an answer? -lol.
As far an synching goes, I read the online manual, and if you synch your desktop library with your ipod, anything you delete from your library will ultimately be automatically deleted from the ipod, which makes me assume that anything on the ipod that is not in the library will be erased, hence getting rid of my entire collection (not a good thing). THere has got to be a way to do this, or else people would never upgrade and buy the newer models…
It sounds like you have music/videos that are on your iPod but NOT on your computer.* It IS possible to move music off your iPod, to iTunes, which is what you need to do. Then you can simply copy the files from iTunes onto any iPod. Check out this: http://support.apple.com/kb/HT1848
I hope this helps. If not, post as detailed a message as you can of the problem you’re having, and someone will probably sort ya out. You may want to try Apple Support too; but I’ve personally never used this service, and I have no idea if it costs money or if the support is any good.
*In the future, don’t do this. Your main long term storage for music/videos should be your PC, not your iPod. As always, remember to periodically backup your data in case of hard drive failure.
I’ve never used it, though. I remember helping someone with this a while ago and there was a program that could do it, but I can’t find it right now. Because of the whole erasing-your-music thing, I would uninstall iTunes until you get your music copied onto your pc.
THe only reason that I don’t have the majority of my stuff on the computer is because I reinstalled windows on my desktop thinking it would clean everything up. Long story short, I not can’t get online with my desktop (no driver included in the reinstallation discs!), so I’ve been on my laptop, which was basically completely empty.
I didn’t think I’d be getting a new Ipod for the holidays. Also, These are music files that I imported from CDs over the years, not purchased from ITUNES, so I don’;t think transferring the authorization will work… geez, such a hassle, makes me just wanna return the damn thing.
You have the music on your old IPOD, but no your computer, so you can’t put it on your new IPOD, correct? You can’t go from IPOD to IPOD, you have to get them on your computer first.
If thats the case, you have to use some third party software (or there could be another method). I’ve used Music Rescue and it did everything perfectly. I’m sure there are millions of others, just hit up google and you’ll find something.
FLAMEOFOSIRIS- That link gives a pretty detailed how-to of copying files from an ipod to the pc. However, I don’t know if it’s because my laptop is running Vista, but I don;t have the options it asks for.
the instructions read:
1-connect ipod to pc, if itunes starts synching (ie. erasing) hit the X to stop it.
2- In the control panel, portable media devices, double click your ipod
3- In the Tools menu → Options, in the View Tab, check ‘show hidden files and folders’
4- Navigate to the music folder (and gives an ie. of what it would look like)
5- select all music folders, drag and drop into folder on hard drive, or directly into itunes
[quote]The Mighty Stu wrote:
THe only reason that I don’t have the majority of my stuff on the computer is because I reinstalled windows on my desktop thinking it would clean everything up. Long story short, I not can’t get online with my desktop (no driver included in the reinstallation discs!), so I’ve been on my laptop, which was basically completely empty.
I didn’t think I’d be getting a new Ipod for the holidays. Also, These are music files that I imported from CDs over the years, not purchased from ITUNES, so I don’;t think transferring the authorization will work… geez, such a hassle, makes me just wanna return the damn thing.
Ugh, you know what, I’m with you. I’m very technically inclined, and even I think it’s absurd that iTunes does not contain a simple “click here to transfer files to your new iPod” button. It isn’t simple to do, and it should be.
I can think of possible solutions, but I am NOT entirely sure they will work, as I only have one iPod and can’t test it, and I don’t want to waste your time with something that might not work. Sorry.
If you’re still stuck after a day, I can help you out. My nephew has an iPod, as do I, and I can test out a way to move the files between both. I can’t try it now, since he doesn’t have his iPod cable with him.
This is why I quit buying iPods. If I bought music, I would like the ability to play that music in whatever form I see fit. Unfortunately, Apple doesn’t see things that way.
[quote]Professor X wrote:
This is why I quit buying iPods. If I bought music, I would like the ability to play that music in whatever form I see fit. Unfortunately, Apple doesn’t see things that way.
This has nothing to do with it. The problem stems from the fact that Stu nuked all his music on his original computer. He shouldn’t have done that. (Don’t mean to pick you, Stu.) And stop spreading myths about the iPod and Apple. The iPod can play music that is not purchased from iTunes.
Also, the DRM that you are complaining about is not something that Apple wanted, it’s something that was forced on them by the record companies, and the problem existed with many other online music services. However, the record companies have recently changed their mind, and music is available form many services, including the iTunes store, that has no DRM.
It is entirely possible to use your iPod and store music on it without 1.) using iTunes and 2.) using mp3’s ripped from cd’s. You can easily configure the device to work as a USB mass storage device, like every other mp3 player out there, but this requires some basic computer knowledge. However, iTunes is hands down the BEST program I’ve used for managing music on an mp3 player. Other devices sometimes don’t come with any, or are just shitty wrappers over windows Explorer.
[quote]Professor X wrote:
This is why I quit buying iPods. If I bought music, I would like the ability to play that music in whatever form I see fit. Unfortunately, Apple doesn’t see things that way.
This has nothing to do with it. The problem stems from the fact that Stu nuked all his music on his original computer. He shouldn’t have done that. (Don’t mean to pick you, Stu.) And stop spreading myths about the iPod.
It is entirely possible to use your iPod and store music on it without 1.) using iTunes and 2.) using mp3’s ripped from cd’s. You can easily configure the device to work as a USB mass storage device, like every other mp3 player out there, but this requires some basic computer knowledge. However, iTunes is hands down the BEST program I’ve used for managing music on an mp3 player. Other devices sometimes don’t come with any, or are just shitty wrappers over windows Explorer.
What myth? It is no myth that it doesn’t allow me to transfer music to any other device and also that any MP3 discs I want to play in my car have to be made through iTunes.
I have bought tons of music from iTunes that it won’t let me download to my other “non-iPod” devices and frankly, if I literally have to hack the system to allow it to do so, then they don’t need my patronage.
I did the ‘Show Hidden Files’ option many moons ago. Very quick and simple.
Only thing was, it misnamed all the files (they all had odd names like ‘HGKERT’ and shit like that). Not a major inconvenience if you are the type of person who only stores music you actually listen to (as opposed to some who think it’s cool to have 60 gigs of shit they would never listen to), but still an inconvenience, nonetheless.
Its funny that you should post this question Stu. I’m doing it right now, as I type this. I have an older Ipod video that I’m currently copying the music to my desktop (with plans on transfering it to iTunes). I just got a new comp and would like to add my music to my itunes so I can then add it to my iphone.
Make sure you have the “show hidden files/folders” option checked off in your control panel.
-Depending on your Windows edition, finding this will be different. (google how to show hidden files).
Then go to my computer, after ipod has been connected and detected. Click and open up your ipod device from there. You should see a folder in your ipod called ipod_control. Then copy and paste that music folder. Viola
Well, it should be viola. I’ll let you know. I have 20 minutes left with the copying (29gigs worth).