Question Regarding Grapefruit Juice

TC had a tip of the day regarding grapefruit juice intensifying the effects of supplements. He said it helped with Carbolin 19 (which too me has no real “feel good” effects like Spike/Hot-Rox). Does this mean that the particular supplement would work better, have the effects last longer, make them more intense or just make it so you “feel” the supplement more.

Would this work with oral steroids such as OT or Anavar?

Thanks in advance!

YES to all accounts.

An old Muscle Media 2000 reported that canned grapefruit juice had higher concentrations of the active ingredient. Can’t recall exactly what it is but the canned is about twice as potent as fresh juice. I hate grapefruit juice, but I think I’ll try a glass for breakfast w/ my HotRox Extreme on Friday.

In increases intestinal absorption, since it inhibits CYP450 isoenzymes at the intestinal levels.

So it increases maximal plasmatic concentration. Effects should last the same considering most compounds have linear (dose-dependant) kinetics and furocoumarins have no effects on the liver (usually the primary metabolic organ with CYP450 activity).

I don’t actually know if forskolin and derivatives have a CYP450 metabolism or to what extent it is metabolised during absorption.

Has anyone tried the grapefruit juice with Power Drive?

So what the hell happens when I have a absolute & grapefruit drink? How is it with alcohol? I usually have 2-3 when I’m out, then it’s on to the next drink. SHOTS bitch!

Just for shits I’ve been trying this for a couple weeks with my HOT-ROX and Spike.

Nothing. Not a single difference. And the juice tastes like shit.

So grapefruit juice would be useful to take when consuming oral steroids?

[quote]BADASS MENTALITY wrote:
So what the hell happens when I have a absolute & grapefruit drink? How is it with alcohol? I usually have 2-3 when I’m out, then it’s on to the next drink. SHOTS bitch![/quote]

grapefruit doesn’t effect alcohol, for one because alcohol is absorbed through the stomach lining before it can reach the enzyme.

Yeah, I, too have been trying Spike with the canned 100% grapefruit juice. I’m not noticing one bit of difference.

*I have to take 2 Spike to even get any effects.

[quote]eengrms76 wrote:
Just for shits I’ve been trying this for a couple weeks with my HOT-ROX and Spike.

Nothing. Not a single difference. And the juice tastes like shit.[/quote]

Crazy. I love the juice, and it made me really feel one Spike. I dare not drink it with HRX. Oh, it intensifies xanax too.

[quote]BIGRAGOO wrote:
Oh, it intensifies xanax too. [/quote]

Oh does it now? Hmmmmm

Not that anyone here would ever do a drug like X, but since Ive passed along the grapefruit info to some other people, I hear it quite intensifies things.

I do not recommend doing so. More of a precautionary recommendation.

[quote]BIGRAGOO wrote:
eengrms76 wrote:
Just for shits I’ve been trying this for a couple weeks with my HOT-ROX and Spike.

Nothing. Not a single difference. And the juice tastes like shit.

Crazy. I love the juice, and it made me really feel one Spike. I dare not drink it with HRX. Oh, it intensifies xanax too. [/quote]

I have to agree with Big, I took my HRX last night prior to lifting, and I was sweating before I started lifting, I haven’t sweat with HRX since the first few days I took it. I also noticed that it made my nose run. I did this again this morning with my last 2 HRX from my bottle, and let me tell ya, that was at 5:30 am it’s noon now and I feel like I took it 15 minutes ago, I guess everyone has a different experience with the grapfruit juice stimulant combo. It works for me and I’m gonna continue to use it with my stims when I take them.

[quote]WantAbs wrote:
eengrms76 wrote:
Just for shits I’ve been trying this for a couple weeks with my HOT-ROX and Spike.

Nothing. Not a single difference. And the juice tastes like shit.

Crazy. I love the juice, and it made me really feel one Spike. I dare not drink it with HRX. Oh, it intensifies xanax too.

I have to agree with Big, I took my HRX last night prior to lifting, and I was sweating before I started lifting, I haven’t sweat with HRX since the first few days I took it. I also noticed that it made my nose run. I did this again this morning with my last 2 HRX from my bottle, and let me tell ya, that was at 5:30 am it’s noon now and I feel like I took it 15 minutes ago, I guess everyone has a different experience with the grapfruit juice stimulant combo. It works for me and I’m gonna continue to use it with my stims when I take them.[/quote]

How much are you drinking and is it before, during, or after the HRX? Maybe I’m not drinking enough?

I dont know man, HRX by itself makes my nose run. :slight_smile: