I have been lifting consistently since I was 17, I’m 28 now. I consistently eat well and live a healthy lifestyle.
11 years in and I’m going to start a cycle of Testosterone Enanthate. I’ve been gathering information for the past couple weeks and have been talking to friends who have cycled test many times. I have read the sticky by FuriousGeorge and still have a question.
I will not be competing in any type of bodybuilding competitions, I’m not choosing to use test to excel in a sport or strength competition. I’m just a gym goer who loves lifting and I’ve always wanted to see what doing a cycle would be like.
So what I’m basically saying is I would still like to look and feel great and keep the side effects to a minimum. Summer is coming up and I would prefer not being bloated, having to worry about gyno, etc. The few guys I know that have experience with test think 500 mg. of test will give me the side effects I’m trying to avoid. Some of these guys say to keep it to 250 mg. and that that dose is plenty. But I’ve seen some guys online say 250 mg. is basically just enough to suppress testosterone production and give me very minimal benefits.
I’m not sure if it matters or not but I have healthy levels of testosterone already. I had them recently checked and my total testosterone was 760 ng/dl.
I’m running my first injectable cycle now. 500mg Test Cyp a week. (Same thing as Test E.)
I’ve also had gyno issues from doing oral steroids a few years back. They came back during these past 2 weeks. I was prepared and had all ancillaries I could think of on hand. Gyno is gone now. (my point being if you are prepared you can tackle it)
Most people say 500mg/week is the minimum you should run for good gains, and to see how you react to test (side effects).
The important thing to reduce bloating and gyno related symptoms is to run an AI (aromatase inhibitor.)
The most common AI’s are Femera(Letrozole), Aromasin(exemestane), Arimidex(anastrozole.)
Each one has its benefits.
Most people seem to prefer Arimidex on cycle, or Letrozole if gyno prone.
Aromasin (in my opinion, and documented, though some will disagree) is better for PCT (post cycle therapy) as it can be run with a SERM (selective estrogen receptor modulator) without affecting the efficacy of Aromasin (where as with Letrozole or Arimidex it may interfere with the drugs ability to stop aromatase.)
I would research all of three AI’s above as well as these SERMS:
Nolvadex (Tamoxifen)
Clomid (Clomiphene)
Nolvadex is preferable to Clomid, but it depends on what you can get.
You should NOT run a cycle without these additional substances on hand or without knowledge of how they work.
250 mg per week divided into two 125 mg dose is good for some noticeable muscle gains . IT WILL SHUT DOWN your nuts and you will not produce that natural 700 level while on it . Your main concern should be what to do when that Test Serum runs out . Will you be able to restart your normal production of T - how long will it take ?
What if it does not come back fully to 700 T level . Are you familiar with TRT - it’s called Testosterone replacement Therapy . Alot of steriod users are on it ( me being one ) It is a PIA ( literally ) to be on TRT for lifetime , just to get 700 T level . I DON’T MEAN TO DISCOURAGE your choice to use steriods , I just want to let you know of other things to consider .
IF you want my advice ( I am 45 yo ) I would say do more research on side effects and how to prevent them . THEN after you know what adding hormones to your body can do ( other than making big muscles ) make decision . BTW , your sex life is directly related to this also .
at 28 running 250 isnt that strong. I run 200 weekly and keep my T levels around 1200 maybe a bit more. Im 36 and started my TRT at 34. Maybe just try a small bump say 100mg and see how you feel. If you are going to run for 12 weeks then PCT then do what you like just get your nuts to start working. Like todd said it will mess with your nuts at 250 so you might want to get some HCG unless you want to scrub a sack of marbles in the shower.
Taper up and taper down for a smooth transition. Also 25mg of AI (anastrozole) EOD is good.
[quote]tkeaton1334 wrote:
I have been lifting consistently since I was 17, I’m 28 now. I consistently eat well and live a healthy lifestyle.
11 years in and I’m going to start a cycle of Testosterone Enanthate. I’ve been gathering information for the past couple weeks and have been talking to friends who have cycled test many times. I have read the sticky by FuriousGeorge and still have a question.
I will not be competing in any type of bodybuilding competitions, I’m not choosing to use test to excel in a sport or strength competition. I’m just a gym goer who loves lifting and I’ve always wanted to see what doing a cycle would be like.
So what I’m basically saying is I would still like to look and feel great and keep the side effects to a minimum. Summer is coming up and I would prefer not being bloated, having to worry about gyno, etc. The few guys I know that have experience with test think 500 mg. of test will give me the side effects I’m trying to avoid. Some of these guys say to keep it to 250 mg. and that that dose is plenty. But I’ve seen some guys online say 250 mg. is basically just enough to suppress testosterone production and give me very minimal benefits.
I’m not sure if it matters or not but I have healthy levels of testosterone already. I had them recently checked and my total testosterone was 760 ng/dl.
For fuck’s sake, it is steroids, they have some MINIMAL side effects. NO FUCKING ONE didn’t have to get on TRT from one cycle, at your age. Run HCG on cycle, take your AI, run a fucking gram of test per week, get your PCT right and get over with it. Enjoy the gains.
EDIT: Just so I add something to your question, and not just be an asshole. 100mg of test E per week plus 20mg nolvadex daily will NOT shut you down at all. If you don’t want to shutdown, and want VERY MINIMAL gains, do that.
[quote]tkeaton1334 wrote:
I have been lifting consistently since I was 17, I’m 28 now. I consistently eat well and live a healthy lifestyle.
11 years in and I’m going to start a cycle of Testosterone Enanthate. I’ve been gathering information for the past couple weeks and have been talking to friends who have cycled test many times. I have read the sticky by FuriousGeorge and still have a question.
I will not be competing in any type of bodybuilding competitions, I’m not choosing to use test to excel in a sport or strength competition. I’m just a gym goer who loves lifting and I’ve always wanted to see what doing a cycle would be like.
So what I’m basically saying is I would still like to look and feel great and keep the side effects to a minimum. Summer is coming up and I would prefer not being bloated, having to worry about gyno, etc. The few guys I know that have experience with test think 500 mg. of test will give me the side effects I’m trying to avoid. Some of these guys say to keep it to 250 mg. and that that dose is plenty. But I’ve seen some guys online say 250 mg. is basically just enough to suppress testosterone production and give me very minimal benefits.
I’m not sure if it matters or not but I have healthy levels of testosterone already. I had them recently checked and my total testosterone was 760 ng/dl.
What’s your bf% bodyfat?
If it decent it’s really not worth messing with just one cycle. You aren’t going to morph into the hulk which most newbies appear to presume.
It is very likely you will enjoy testosterone and will want to stay on it. Which means blasting and cruising, doing a regular 500mg/week for 8 weeks and then lowering to a cruise TRT dose of 150-200mg a week. (this will shut the testes down, thus the need to cruise at a lower hormone replacement dose once you go off cycle.)
List your meals and approximate calories, protein %. You do understand for testosterone to do you any good you have to EAT differently. Comprende?
This is all speculation, as everyone is different. Perhaps in your first cycle you will morph into the hulk.
For fuck’s sake, it is steroids, they have some MINIMAL side effects. NO FUCKING ONE didn’t have to get on TRT from one cycle, at your age. Run HCG on cycle, take your AI, run a fucking gram of test per week, get your PCT right and get over with it. Enjoy the gains.
EDIT: Just so I add something to your question, and not just be an asshole. 100mg of test E per week plus 20mg nolvadex daily will NOT shut you down at all. If you don’t want to shutdown, and want VERY MINIMAL gains, do that.[/quote]
Come on niksamaras. When these new guys ask questions don’t cuss in your reply, they don’t know how to take it and you can scare them off.
Just so it does not seem I am talking out of my ass , there is plenty of articles on how TRT is a negative feedback loop and adding external T to system is offset by your system shutting off production of T . Nolva is a SERM that is not meant to be on permanently. It is used to restart your system . 100mg added to a person who already makes T levels in the 700s will do nothing except cause body to offset its production and in best case produce a bit on its own by using HCG - maybe boosting him into 1000s of T , but still not a big change .
ANYWAY HE SAID 200mg weekly going up to 250mg weekly . That will have an impact on muscle gain , also will need to up AI . AS FAR AS NO ONE NEEDING permanent TRT after 100mg week dose is hard to say for certain . But then again article was on 200mg not 100mg
[quote]Sir toddington wrote:
250 mg per week divided into two 125 mg dose is good for some noticeable muscle gains . IT WILL SHUT DOWN your nuts and you will not produce that natural 700 level while on it . Your main concern should be what to do when that Test Serum runs out . Will you be able to restart your normal production of T - how long will it take ?
What if it does not come back fully to 700 T level . Are you familiar with TRT - it’s called Testosterone replacement Therapy . Alot of steriod users are on it ( me being one ) It is a PIA ( literally ) to be on TRT for lifetime , just to get 700 T level . I DON’T MEAN TO DISCOURAGE your choice to use steriods , I just want to let you know of other things to consider .
IF you want my advice ( I am 45 yo ) I would say do more research on side effects and how to prevent them . THEN after you know what adding hormones to your body can do ( other than making big muscles ) make decision . BTW , your sex life is directly related to this also . [/quote]
Your TEST is great now…
Read up , clean up your eating, train hard , get sleep…
the gains are your to take…
What happens when you come off cycle try and restart and your natural test levels are now… 450… That would SUCK !