Planning My First Cycle

Whats up everybody? Charlie here…

I am 27, 5’9", 169lbs, 10%bf. Been training consistently for a little over 3 years now. When I began training in 2009, I weighed 145lbs at 16-18%bf, was a skinny fat guy. But the training really paid off and I am in the best shape of my life. Can’t believe I wasn’t killing any iron before 2009. Things would have been ever better.

Anyhow now I have made the decision to get on AAS and after some research I’m convinced that its going to be just TEST only for my first and last cycle. So I would be running TEST ENANTHATE. or TEST CYPIONATE with Arimidex or the like throughout the cycle followed by a 3 week PCT with nolvadex and clomiphene.

My goal is to gain 7-10lbs of muscle with this cycle. Nutrition, exercise, sleep and some extra naps will be on hit.

However I have some questions before I ran TEST.

  1. How much TEST should I go with. It was suggested 600mg/week. 300mg bi-weekly injections. Can the dosage be any lower like 200-300mg/week?

  2. Can the length of this cycle be any shorter than 10 weeks? Say 8 weeks?

  3. Is it a realistic goal to gain and thereafter maintain 7-10lbs of muscle with this cycle, because this would be my first and last cycle.

  4. What are your thoughts on testicular atrophy and this cycle.

Thanks guys… Awaiting your response!!

  1. At least 500mg in my opinion. 250mg is more of a TRT dose and it will still shut you down. You will see better gains with 500mg. I think test cyp is 300mg per ml, well the cyp I’ve seen, 600mg a week is good.

  2. Yes you can frontload or go with test prop

  3. Yes it’s possible, last cycle my ass!

  4. If the hammer works who cares! It’s never bothered me, it all comes back after the cycle. If it bothers you, you can run hcg throughout your cycle

Test Cyp can be 250 or 300mg/ml but either way 500-600mg/week is solid as hell to start

you won’t be gaining 10lbs of muscle on less that 500mg/week. Your idea to do 600mg is a good one, you’ll definitely be happy with the results.

lol, nobody ever just does one cycle. I thought I was just going to do one, now I don’t think I’ll ever stop

[quote]rds63799 wrote:
you won’t be gaining 10lbs of muscle on less that 500mg/week. Your idea to do 600mg is a good one, you’ll definitely be happy with the results.

lol, nobody ever just does one cycle. I thought I was just going to do one, now I don’t think I’ll ever stop


true story

thanks for prompt replies guys!! appreciate it.

so 8 weeks on 500-600mgs/week of Test E could give me a solid ass gain for 10lbs? how much difference would it make if i went for half the dose like 300mgs/week? would i be able to build at least 5lbs of just muscle and maintain it all post cycle?

my training and diet is going to be immaculate… i guess with the dosage its more of a psychological thing to me than anything else…


Your not gonna get much gains from 300mg a week your basically getting a maintenance level of testosterone.

What’s your diet and training like? You only have three years of training under your belt. I’m not saying you aren’t ready but we may be able to help with more than just your cycle.

training 4-5 days a week.
day 1: legs
day 2: chest/tris/shoulders
day 3: off
day 4: back/biceps
day 5: deads(snatch grip, RDL’s, regular deads) and squats(parallel squats, front squats)… with a 5-6 heavy singles towards the end of workout.

eating 2700-3000 calories/day. protein is 180-200grams/day. chicken breast, fish, eggs, whey protein, fish oil, multivitamin, liv. 52 DS 2x day, lots of peanut butter, almonds, walnuts, cashews, pistachios, lots of fibrous veggies for carbs, 1 meal is oats post workout. only 1 source of starchy carbs…

pre workout: 1g taurine, 5g glutamine, 200mg caffeine, 10g BCAA’s

bench: 225 x 8
squat: 315 x 6
dead: 365 x 6

[quote]lowrepcharlie wrote:
so 8 weeks on 500-600mgs/week of Test E could give me a solid ass gain for 10lbs? how much difference would it make if i went for half the dose like 300mgs/week? would i be able to build at least 5lbs of just muscle and maintain it all post cycle?

you’d still probably make ok gains on the 300mg of test, but the real question is, why would you want to?

Anytime you shut down your natural test you run the risk of it never coming back. It’s just the way it is. Is it really worth risking that for a maximum of 5lbs of muscle (which you could put on in a year naturally if you trained and ate properly)?

That’s why 500mg is the minimum recommended. It’ll provide a level of gains actually worth risking your natural test for.

As for maintaining your gains, that is much more to do with how you recover, train and eat post cycle than the doses you’ll run. If you put on 10lbs of muscle, you better be eating enough to support that new muscle or it’ll disappear…

[quote]rds63799 wrote:
you won’t be gaining 10lbs of muscle on less that 500mg/week.

Not true bro, I gained 2 stone on my first cycle at 200mg/week Test Cyp. Thats 28lbs lol, slight fat gain but not much :wink:


you must’ve weighed like 50lbs when you started juicing!

300mg a week is low but it’s definitely not a maintenance dose. Im pretty sure many endocrinologists will prescribe 200mg every two weeks. My first cycle was 500mg of Cyp a week. My second cycle was 350mg of prop a week. I still got good gains from my prop cycle @ 205lbs.


no fear brother… i’m gonna eat a bunch!! will eat a lot more than i can post cycle to maintain all or any of my gains from the TEST ENTH/CYP… no way am i going to lose them gains cuz of a poor diet and training regimen, them gains are gonna be mine to keep…

[quote]HowGreatIAm wrote:
300mg a week is low but it’s definitely not a maintenance dose. Im pretty sure many endocrinologists will prescribe 200mg every two weeks. My first cycle was 500mg of Cyp a week. My second cycle was 350mg of prop a week. I still got good gains from my prop cycle @ 205lbs. [/quote]

how long did you run the TEST prop @ 350/week for and how much lbm did you gain on that cycle?

I ran the prop for 10 weeks along with some winny at 50mg a day. I was not trying to gain weight but I ended up gaining around 5 pounds and leaning out significantly. I have never been one for big cycles since I am not a bodybuilder. The strength gain difference between 350 and 500 was very different though. I gained too much weight on 500mg though.

However, I am not you. It’s up to you to decide how much weight you want to gain. If you’re looking for a 10 pound net gain, I would take 500mg, try to get up to 185 by the end of the cycle and hope to lose no more than 5 pounds during and after pct.

[quote]HowGreatIAm wrote:
I ran the prop for 10 weeks along with some winny at 50mg a day. I was not trying to gain weight but I ended up gaining around 5 pounds and leaning out significantly. I have never been one for big cycles since I am not a bodybuilder. The strength gain difference between 350 and 500 was very different though. I gained too much weight on 500mg though.

However, I am not you. It’s up to you to decide how much weight you want to gain. If you’re looking for a 10 pound net gain, I would take 500mg, try to get up to 185 by the end of the cycle and hope to lose no more than 5 pounds during and after pct. [/quote]

exactly! i am very satisfied with my current stats… and a gain of 7lbs of lbm is good enough for me. don’t want to increase the dosage to gain more mass cuz sides are also dosage dependent right? since this will be my first cycle i dunno how much different would it be if i were to go with 350mgs/week instead of 500mgs/week??

and how long did you run winstrol for? whole 10 weeks?

take it from me, if you run the 350 then after the cycle you’ll wish you had run it at 500 :slight_smile:

If your not an athlete that has weight classes then why bother doing a cycle to gain 5lbs? Which is easy to do naturally. I don’t get why your taking the risks involved with steroids for 5lbs.

I ran the winny for 5 weeks. I was looking for recovery, strength, and speed, which I got.

For bodybuilding purposes, I would take 500mg. However, I also believe you could obtain the desired results naturally.