? what do you think or what should I change if anything or just any words of wisdom, please I would like to know what more experienced people think. I have tough skin so be blunt if needed
I think for the most part every thing looks ok you wrote up in the most complicated fashion haha but it looks ok. I suggest upping the Deca Dose to 400mg weekly also would push it out to atleast 12 weeks
lastly you have no mention of having any AIs on hand. Strongly recommend picking up some Arimidex and extra Nolva for just in case situations.
the 3 week taste cycle of test e was about 4 weeks of 2500mg with it cycling up and then back down gradually and a week break then nolv for 20 days of 20mg
[quote]Reed wrote:
I think for the most part every thing looks ok you wrote up in the most complicated fashion haha but it looks ok. I suggest upping the Deca Dose to 400mg weekly also would push it out to atleast 12 weeks
lastly you have no mention of having any AIs on hand. Strongly recommend picking up some Arimidex and extra Nolva for just in case situations.[/quote]
shit i guess i have more ?s-- for the recommendation of the arimidex for just in case… do you think i should use it throughout the cycle and when is that a good time and any examples would be great
[quote]tjweirich wrote:
another question, my bad-- why do you recommend the 400mg/wk deca-- just wondering[/quote]
Just a 200 your really not going to see much more than joint relief. At 400mg though you wil have enough in your system to get all the benefits on larger scale and much more size gains.
If it’s your first cycle (i dont count that 4 wk thing you did with test e as a cycle) why not just run 500mg wk of Test E for 12 weeks with a dbol kick start at 30mg-40mg for the first 4-5 weeks? Keeps it simple and you’ll make solid gains from a cycle like that, then you can progress to the deca in your next one if you feel the need.
I don’t see the need to run multiple compounds from your first cycle when you can gain good muscle mass from simpler cycles. More compounds = more possible sides and you obviously haven’t got your head around the ancillaries your going to need for prolactin so best not to go there yet. Just my opinion though.