Last workout of the week on Saturday. Back/Arms/Shoulders The main focus of this workout is to for a little extra back work to keep my back strong for Squats and Deadlifts and build some upper body strength for Bench.
10 minute warm up on Treadmill
Light warm up:
2.5lb weights for 16 reps lateral raise, 16 for front, 16 for bent over. Slown and controlled to warm up shoulders
30 lb barbell curls to warm up my Bis
Palms up, backwards arm circles for shoulders.
Pullups 6 reps, 6,5,5
Cable rows, close grip. 12 reps, add weight (increment of 2 plates), 8 reps, + weight x 5 reps, + weight 5 reps again (slight swing to cheat em up on the last couple)
Military Press, seated 45lb bar x 16, 65 x 12, 95 x 6, 115 x 4, 115, 3
Barbell curls, ez curl bar: bar + 10 lbs (2 lbs plates) x 12, + 10 lbs x 8, + 10lbs x 6, another set for 5 reps. - 20 lbs with short rest, squeezed out 6 reps.
Close grip push ups, 4 x 15. Last set was tough, had to pause at top and push out last 5 reps.
Nice, easy Saturday work out. Post workout shake: 2 cups 1% milk, scoop whey protein, serving oatmeal, 4 strawberries, large banana and a yogurt, blended. Then ate a large meal about 1 1/2 hours later.