Quality of Supplements?

Hello All.

Lately, I have wondered if the cheap supplements I buy are worth anything. I know Biotest stuff is superior quality, but I’m a naturally cheap person and in college so right now the Biotest stuff will have to be put on hold.

Lately, I have been buying my supplements in bulk off of ebay, and I am wondering if the quality sucks and I am wasting my money. I can get protein powder from an ebay store called allthewhey.com at 25lbs for 100 bucks, which is a great price and the stuff tastes and mixes like crap, but its cheap so I do it. If I can get through the taste, is the stuff beneficial. I also buy some cheap creatine thats by some brand called dymatize. Once again, I know I should be buying Biotest’s stuff but I can’t justify the money right now. Any imput is appreciated.
Thanks Guys.


You answered your own questions.

Whey is a comodity. If you can believe it a pound, or a kilo, or a whatever-way-you-measure of whey has a certain set price.

At the deal you are getting i can pretty much tell you that what you are paying for is NOT quality protein. It may be burnt, the amino chains may b fucked up…it may be 50% as opposed to 80%+ protein. It could be a million things to be honest, but it ain’t good.

How can you get cheaper than Biotest creatine? Especially when you consider quality?

 I spent years in my younger days spending tons of money on supplements before Biotest.  Conclusion, I would have been better off spending that money on food.  Don't waste your little cash that you have on low quality crap supplements.  Biotest makes great supplements.

The Biotest whey is pretty darn cheap and high quality.

You want the benefits of supplements right?  You want results right?