Quad Pain from Injection

I had heard that quad injections with certain compounds could leave the leg painful, but I wanted to try somewhere different than the glutes because I can’t see what I’m doing very well(even with a mirror), like when checking for blood in the drawback. Pinned yesterday my weekly dose of 600mg(400mg/ml test blend, 1.5ml)low and behold quad is knotted as a motherfucker. I know its not an infection just a reaction probably to the alcohol or oil content, and the high concentration of test, at a new site.

Quad workout is due tomorrow(3 days after injection). Leg feels very sore when doing even shallow bodyweight squats. Do I avoid working quads totally until the pain subsides, or will it disappear under a regular workout? Did my regular 10km on stationary bike yesterday(no problems), and will do again today.
Is it also worth trying hot/cold compresses to flush the area?
I guess these questions have been answered many times before but for some reason my T Nation search function hasn’t been working the last couple of days.
Thanks for your patience.

This is why I pin delts.

Ice it like u would a sprain. Its fine to work legs with pip. Every now & then yur gonna scrape a vein. Cost of doing business bruh

gets better after a couple pins…did legs sunday couple new exercises then pinned sunday night had double whammy muscle sore and pin sore…takes abut 3 days now I just think of it as muscle soreness and power on!

Today ice/ heat compresses. Another 10km pre workout on stationary bike, then did leg workout. Pretty uncomfortable, but completed it without sacrificing any weight, maybe a little shallower rom on vertical leg presses. Definitely couldn’t have done a very deep free weight squat or lunge. 5-6 out of 10 for satisfaction, really struggled today.
About 5mins after completion the pain was about 70% gone compared to pre workout, and has stayed that way for the rest of the day so far.

I pinned 2.5ml @ 200mg/ml test cyp into quad (Vastus lateralis) yesterday morning, virgin muscle. A little little pip but its nowhere near as bad as the bruising in my thighs I got from cleans when I first started olympic lifting. I’m continuing training regularly (squats, snatches, clean and jerks twice a day every day except sundays).

Previously I pinned 2.5ml of the same gear into my medial glutes, also virgin sites. Minimal pip from that. For a while I’ve used a pvc pipe and/or lacrosse balls on these areas, could that have maybe made me less susceptible to pip? Or is it just because it’s cyp @ 200mg/ml?

From what I have heard quality of the compound has a lot to do with it. Trouble less likely with pharma grade, more trouble with UGLab. My stuff is UG.
Also the higher the concentration of test /ml is more likely to cause pip.
Not sure about total mls per injection. I am a complete noob to gear.
If Bill Roberts is reading he would know.

Took this from another forum, idk how accurate it is though:

"Pain is caused when the oil/solvents are absorbed by the body and crystals are left behind.
Short esters (propionate or acetate) are harder, more painful crystals with melting points in the 100c range.
A hormone with a longer esters (excluding cypionate - cyp is long but also high melting point) can have a melting point in the 20c-40c range. not far off from human body temp.

Pain is also caused by concentration of your gear.
Building off of point 1: Let’s say it takes the body 24 hours to absorb 1mL of a certain oil/solvent blend, and 24 hours to absorb 50mg of Testosterone Propionate. If 50mg (or less) of testosterone propionate is in 1mL of that oil, this injection should be painless. On the other hand, if 100mg of testosterone propionate is in that same 1mL of solution, then after 24 hours the body will have absorbed 50mg and 1mL, leaving 50mg behind in the injection area, crystalized and painful.
Its better to shoot 3mL of 50mg/mL Testosterone Propionate than 1mL of 150mg/mL Testosterone Propionate.
This is also why water based suspensions (Testosterone base/no ester, Winstrol ) hurt the most, water is very easily absorbed in the body

The solvents used can cause pain in 2 ways. Benzyl alcohol (BA) is used at 1%-2% as a preservative and antiseptic. If the alcohol content is too high the gear will burn. Pain in the first 24 hours is usually caused by heavy solvents, pain in the next few hours is usually cause by crystalization. Another way is a bad recipe. if someone used 2% BA, and the rest of the solution oil, the mg/mL would have to be low due to oil’s weak ability to hold crystals. On the other hand, a recipe like 2% BA, 5% Guaiacol (super solvent), 10% Benzyl Salicylate (liquid asprin) with the filler split 50:50 between Ethyl Oleate (oil/solvent hybrid) and normal oil should be far less painful.

If you inject too quickly it can tear tissue.

If your muscle is new to the hormone, it will absorb the hormone very slowly, but absorb the oil/solvent very quickly. This will cause more crystalization and pain. As your muscles recognize the hormones, they will be absorbed more quickly, thus less pain. The deeper you inject into the center of a muscle group, the better."

[quote]Beyond Beyond wrote:
From what I have heard quality of the compound has a lot to do with it. Trouble less likely with pharma grade, more trouble with UGLab. My stuff is UG.
Also the higher the concentration of test /ml is more likely to cause pip.
Not sure about total mls per injection. I am a complete noob to gear.
If Bill Roberts is reading he would know.[/quote]

I don’t think it has so much to do with the lab. injects are just inconsistent sometimes. Last Monday I pinned 3ml in my right quad, and it blew up like a balloon. Swollen like crazy, hurt a ton, and took a full week to go back to normal. I pinned the left quad 3 days later, same amount, and zero pain or swelling. Used the same gear. In my case, I use a very short pin, and it’s likely that the gear leaked into the fat, rather than staying in the muscle. Maybe I didn’t go deep enough. Who knows.

Good posts. Thanks guys.
I reckon it will be back to glutes for a site tomorrow. Any trace of PIP left by late Friday. Had another leg workout today, felt real good.

In addition I have been pinning my quads with 2ml 250mg/ml 5 pins every time sore for a couple days sometimes redness near knee (odd) like the fluid has built up/moved there…anyway I thought I was pinning the right spot and well I was but other suggested the flat part of the quad higher up and well almost no PIP :slight_smile: