Just joined T Nation because I thought it would be a good place to seek help. Basically, I’m on my first cycle and I had my first jab on Monday. I’ve jabbed far too low into my quad and it’s literally left me paralysed this week, it feels as if a horse has kicked me in my leg and crippled me.
It started off with a dead leg feeling but it’s worsened and spread from the mid section of my quad down to right above my knee.
Anyone have any experience or clues as to what has happened?!
Test 400 and I started off with 1ml… I used a 2ml plastipak syringe and 0.6 X 25mm needle. Other symptoms include swelling and that’s about it. Can’t really bend my knee that much without a ripping feeling in the quad, and the pain has also went from the mid section of my quad to above the knee.
Thanks for replying mate… A bit shaken atm!
Ross_Alan is right… your test conc is super high and crystallizes in the muscle before it is absorbed. first of all, put it in the deepest part of your quad, secondly, massage the shit out of your muscle after the injection and third, try heating the oil by placing the vial is a small glass with about 1/2" of very hot water in it. Do this before your shower, then pin. it should flow nicely and help with dispersion. Make sure you keep a “sterile field” at all times. You can also try a 1 inch 23 gauge needle. it works well
Thanks a lot guys. I will take everything you’ve said on board, i wouldn’t wish this upon my worst enemy! One last thing would I be better off pinning my glute next time? Thanks so much
as others have said, the high mg content is likely the biggest problem.
I use the same length pin as you, never have a problem. But I’m also VERY lean. If you’re not lean enough, you need a longer pin. Most people use 1 inch.
Sometimes quad pins hurt. Every now and then, I’ll have pain for several days, as long as a week even. That’s just how they go. Delt pins usually feel fine to me, but they tend to bleed a bit, and sometimes a little oil gets out. Quad pins are cleaner. I’ve never done glutes. Think about it this way: if you DO happen to get this much pain again, do you really want it to be where you sit everyday? Didn’t think so.
Thanks mate. So on my next jab I should perhaps half the dosage? I’m not that lean at the min either. Just hoping it clears up before next week because this week has been so sh*tty.
My quads don’t like anything in them.
I did test 400 on my first cycle, with similar problems. I’m betting your high mg/ml mix of test has ethyl oleate in it. Its used to keep the high concentration in solution.Some people are allegic to it, and it will create swelling and soreness and the feeling that your leg doesn’t want to bend.
I could inject glutes and delts. I still got post injection pain, but it was more bearable(still felt bruised but movement was okay).
I always injected after a workout.
That being said I don’t go anywhere near test 400 now, much less painful to inject normal 200-250mg Test without any ethyl oleate several times a week to get a the overall mg in.
I joined today to seek advice also. I did my first pin 9 days ago. The first 24-36 hours were no problem. Then, it started getting really sore. swelling, and it is warm to the touch. I’m kinda freaked out. I pinned my glute. I used Test Ethanate 300mg/ml. .5 ml 1 1/2 in needle. On day 9, it is finally starting to feel better, but still swollen and warm. I am hoping it continues to improve. I welcome any advice.
I’ll try my delt next week and if the same happens I’ll just leave the stuff alone. The actual injection was fine it didn’t hurt one bit, the numbness did start straight after but I thought it was just one of those things. My quad kind of twitched when it went in as well, quite weird. Anyway, it’s not worth it when you have to take the day off work because of it.
it’s not the dosage, it’s the concentration that’s the problem. Not enough oil per mg of gear. So no matter what dose you pin with test 400, it could be a problem.
If you’re not lean, that’s also an issue. Quads carry a decent amount of fat, so it’s very likely that with such a short pin, you didn’t even pin the muscle. I’ve done subcutaneous injections, and they can hurt like a bitch, even with very low concentration gear. That may be a bigger problem than the test 400 itself. get longer pins, or pin somewhere you don’t have much fat.
Also, the quad twitch is normal. I get that a lot while inserting the pin. It’s annoying but it’s not a problem.
Going off your advice my delts would be more suitable to pin. Since I last posted on here, there’s A LOT of redness in the area that’s been effected. Pain has kind of eased so I’m guessing it’s a good sign!
Sounds like the ratio of BA in Test is slightly off.
I once had this. The muscle pain and stiffness 4-5 days after injection, redness around the site and slight swelling. The pain was a BITCH!
I tried heating the test, massaging… everything didnt help that much…
No point running a cycle with crappy gear that makes your time on so bad. If you cant fix the issue about it, best to ditch the gear
Yeah I’m having second thoughts to be honest. Maybe a different steroid would be better, though.
Don’t know if to risk it one more time but in my deltoid?
I managed to get through the cycle by mixing it with other gear I was using and cutting it into smaller dosages, 3 jabs a week for test-e! The pain was somewhat bare able… Would just ditch the gear if it happened again tho
I had the same issues a few weeks ago. In both quads. My right leg was first and it took about 7/8 days for the intense pain to go away. Which happened to be the same day I injected again in the left leg. It too took 7/8 days for the intense pain to go away.
The next injection in my right leg, I measured one full hand down from my waist/belly (sitting on a chair naturally) and injected there and in the outer (top) part of the quad. Went in smoothly and no pain whatsoever. So, I recommend trying that, no PIP or the intense pain I felt the previous two weeks.
Also, not that this will help, unless you want to move the injection site… I read on another form and I witnessed it myself… the harder it is to inject the oil in, the more it’s going to hurt. If it goes in easily, the less it will hurt. My previous two injections, with a 1" 25G needle, it took what seemed to be a long time to go in. (About halfway down the quad on top (the thicket meaty part.))
When I measured down as I explained earlier, it went in easily and what seemed to be about 10-15 seconds compared to what seems 25-30 seconds. Your mileage may very but I’d try it.
EDIT: My first injection was 500mg (2cc of Enanthate 250) in the right leg and my second injection was 250mg (1cc of Enanthate 250) in the left leg. Using the same exact vial of Enanthate, I had no issues once I measured it a hands width down from my waist/belly.