Putin Shoots Down a Commercial Aircraft!

Just kidding…We don’t know who shot it down, but it wasn’t somebody very nice. That was a mean thing to do.
I didn’t see a thread on it yet, figured it was a pretty big event so I thought I would start a thread on it so we can keep up with developments, get side tracked and insult each other about non-relevant shit, the usual stuff.

Here’s a story from a credible source.


It’s got a thread going in GAL

[quote]pat wrote:
Just kidding…We don’t know who shot it down… [/quote]

Yes we do. It was the separatists.

[quote]AliveAgain36 wrote:
It’s got a thread going in GAL[/quote]

Yeah but in GAL you can’t say anything political.

[quote]SexMachine wrote:

[quote]AliveAgain36 wrote:
It’s got a thread going in GAL[/quote]

Yeah but in GAL you can’t say anything political.[/quote]

Lol. Then what are you and Dr. Matt sparring about in that thread?

It will end with two persistent stories, maybe three, but basically two.

[quote]jjackkrash wrote:

[quote]SexMachine wrote:

[quote]AliveAgain36 wrote:
It’s got a thread going in GAL[/quote]

Yeah but in GAL you can’t say anything political.[/quote]

Lol. Then what are you and Dr. Matt sparring about in that thread? [/quote]

Sometimes pointing out facts comes across as political. But I don’t have any love for the Ukrainian nationalists. They burned dozens of people alive recently and they’ve got strong links to neo-Nazis. But facts are facts. This one is on the separatists. I knew from the start - it’s common sense. The Ukrainians aren’t shooting down aircraft. The separatists are.

[quote]SexMachine wrote:

[quote]jjackkrash wrote:

[quote]SexMachine wrote:

[quote]AliveAgain36 wrote:
It’s got a thread going in GAL[/quote]

Yeah but in GAL you can’t say anything political.[/quote]

Lol. Then what are you and Dr. Matt sparring about in that thread? [/quote]

Sometimes pointing out facts comes across as political. But I don’t have any love for the Ukrainian nationalists. They burned dozens of people alive recently and they’ve got strong links to neo-Nazis. But facts are facts. This one is on the separatists. I knew from the start - it’s common sense. The Ukrainians aren’t shooting down aircraft. The separatists are.[/quote]

Every time you say separatists I can’t help but think of Star Wars.

(Comment better in GAL)

[quote]AliveAgain36 wrote:
It’s got a thread going in GAL[/quote]

Oh. Seems more appropriate here, but whatever. I just thought it needed representation.

[quote]pat wrote:

[quote]AliveAgain36 wrote:
It’s got a thread going in GAL[/quote]

Oh. Seems more appropriate here, but whatever. I just thought it needed representation. [/quote]

PWI is the proper venue for this thread - those asshats in GAL will just make fun of shit, get all hurted feelings and then post kitty pics and boobs - then discuss the benefits of bacon.

they’re a bunch of oversexed brain dead fucknuts there -

trust me, I know this~

I didn’t know there was an actual faction war between forums…

[quote]AliveAgain36 wrote:
I didn’t know there was an actual faction war between forums…[/quote]

there is…

and those that crossover shall be smited -

yeah, thats right… I said smited.

by the very gods of the interwebz and all that is holy~

[quote]Edgy wrote:

[quote]AliveAgain36 wrote:
I didn’t know there was an actual faction war between forums…[/quote]

there is…

and those that crossover shall be smited -

yeah, thats right… I said smited.

by the very gods of the interwebz and all that is holy~[/quote]

I’d love to see a good smiting.

[quote]jjackkrash wrote:

[quote]Edgy wrote:

[quote]AliveAgain36 wrote:
I didn’t know there was an actual faction war between forums…[/quote]

there is…

and those that crossover shall be smited -

yeah, thats right… I said smited.

by the very gods of the interwebz and all that is holy~[/quote]

I’d love to see a good smiting.


It’s…uhh…mostly…uhm…guys on this forum. Oh wow, this is awkward.

Treaty signed by Russia:

Welcoming the accession of Ukraine to the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons as a non-nuclear-weapon State,
Taking into account the commitment of Ukraine to eliminate all nuclear weapons from its territory within a specified period of time(it did)
Noting the changes in the world-wide security situation, including the end of the cold war, which have brought about conditions for deep reductions in nuclear forces,

Confirm the following:

  1. The Russian Federation, the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the United States of America reaffirm their commitment to Ukraine, in accordance with the principles of the Final Act of the Conference on Security and Cooperation in Europe, to respect the independence and sovereignty and the existing borders of Ukraine;

  2. The Russian Federation, the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the United States of America reaffirm their obligation to refrain from the threat or use of force against the territorial integrity or
    political independence of Ukraine, and that none of their weapons will ever be used against Ukraine except in self-defence or otherwise in accordance with the Charter of the United Nations

  3. The Russian Federation, the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the United States of America reaffirm their commitment to Ukraine, in accordance with the principles of the Final Act of the Conference on Security and Cooperation in Europe, to refrain from economic coercion designed to subordinate to their own interest the exercise by Ukraine of the rights inherent in its sovereignty and thus to secure advantages of any kind

  4. The Russian Federation, the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the United States of America reaffirm their commitment to seek immediate United Nations Security Council action to provide assistance to Ukraine, as a non-nuclear-weapon State party to the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons, if Ukraine should become a victim of an act of aggression or an object of a threat of aggression in which nuclear
    weapons are used;

  5. The Russian Federation, the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the United States of America reaffirm, in the case of Ukraine, their commitment not to use nuclear weapons against any non-nuclearweapon State party to the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons,
    except in the case of an attack on themselves, their territories or dependent territories, their armed forces, or their allies, by such a State in association or alliance with a nuclear-weapon State;

  6. Ukraine, the Russian Federation, the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the United States of America will consult in the event a situation arises that raises a question concerning these commitments.

Wow, Ukraine really got screwed in this deal.

Not only is Iran seeking nuclear arms to prevent a possible attack by the West…

But no country will ever voluntarily surrender it’s nukes again.

Is Putin giving these terrorists weaponry any different than the U.S. selling arms to Iran in the early 1980’s? In either case, the end result was essentially the same. Arms were sold to people who had no business possessing them. They were both used for terrorist activities.

[quote]Edgy wrote:

[quote]pat wrote:

[quote]AliveAgain36 wrote:
It’s got a thread going in GAL[/quote]

Oh. Seems more appropriate here, but whatever. I just thought it needed representation. [/quote]

PWI is the proper venue for this thread - those asshats in GAL will just make fun of shit, get all hurted feelings and then post kitty pics and boobs - then discuss the benefits of bacon.

they’re a bunch of oversexed brain dead fucknuts there -

trust me, I know this~[/quote]

Yep. GAL is a joke. If a poster with a female name starts a thread complaining about her (or possibly HIS) sex life, it will get 1000 posts.

[quote]NorCal916 wrote:

[quote]Edgy wrote:

[quote]pat wrote:

[quote]AliveAgain36 wrote:
It’s got a thread going in GAL[/quote]

Oh. Seems more appropriate here, but whatever. I just thought it needed representation. [/quote]

PWI is the proper venue for this thread - those asshats in GAL will just make fun of shit, get all hurted feelings and then post kitty pics and boobs - then discuss the benefits of bacon.

they’re a bunch of oversexed brain dead fucknuts there -

trust me, I know this~[/quote]

Yep. GAL is a joke. If a poster with a female name starts a thread complaining about her (or possibly HIS) sex life, it will get 1000 posts.

I am assuming you are from the Sacramento area… and, DYEL?

[quote]DBCooper wrote:
Is Putin giving these terrorists weaponry any different than the U.S. selling arms to Iran in the early 1980’s? In either case, the end result was essentially the same. Arms were sold to people who had no business possessing them. They were both used for terrorist activities.[/quote]

Why go all the way back to the early 80’s for an example? Obama was supplying arms to terrorists in Libya. Besides, technically the US didn’t sell arms to Iran. It was an “agency relationship” with the US and Iran as principal and third party and Israel as agent. Additionally, there’s no evidence the arms were used for “terrorist activity” - they were used against Iraq.