Put on 30 lbs with CT's Programs, Now Need to Cut

Hey guys, posted here a few times this year. I did The Complete Power Look Program and 2 cycles of the 915 Program since July. I’ve increased my bench to 300 from about 225, deadlifting 420ish from 315, squat… not that great due to tendinitis… about 365 from 275.


I’ve been doing 4 day a week, lifting heavy on compounds and then doing random rep/bodybuilder type work the last month or so. Anyways I need a SOLID program as I find that’s the best way for me to stay motivated.

What do you guys suggest? After 4-6 weeks off the 915 program, can I jump right back in? The one thing about that program is it neglects direct shoulder work outside of bench press, I’d like to start doing more shoulder work like in the complete power look program.

Anyways I’m rambling! Good program for a calorie deficit and to not lose strength?

[quote]Luxberry wrote:
Hey guys, posted here a few times this year. I did The Complete Power Look Program and 2 cycles of the 915 Program since July. I’ve increased my bench to 300 from about 225, deadlifting 420ish from 315, squat… not that great due to tendinitis… about 365 from 275.


I’ve been doing 4 day a week, lifting heavy on compounds and then doing random rep/bodybuilder type work the last month or so. Anyways I need a SOLID program as I find that’s the best way for me to stay motivated.

What do you guys suggest? After 4-6 weeks off the 915 program, can I jump right back in? The one thing about that program is it neglects direct shoulder work outside of bench press, I’d like to start doing more shoulder work like in the complete power look program.

Anyways I’m rambling! Good program for a calorie deficit and to not lose strength? [/quote]

First congrats on the amazing progress. What I find the funniest is that you “only” went from 275 to 365 on squats… dude that’s almost a 100lbs increase. You just don’t see that often, that is amazing.

The best way to solve the shoulder issue with 915 is to take one of the bench press assistance exercise and make it a overhead press movement.

And if you want to lose fat I recommend adding loaded carries at the end of your workouts.

those are some really nice results. just out of curiosity were you able to get rid of your tendonitis completely?! im asking because i have been dealing with patellar tendonitis for like the past 6 months and it is really interfering with all the lower body lifts. I havent squatted in months.

[quote]sidhu524 wrote:
those are some really nice results. just out of curiosity were you able to get rid of your tendonitis completely?! im asking because i have been dealing with patellar tendonitis for like the past 6 months and it is really interfering with all the lower body lifts. I havent squatted in months.[/quote]

If it helps I’ve had some success treating this.
I did 3x30 top half VMO leg extensions ( toe pointed out) followed by some dynamic weighted hamstring stretches before and after every session