Is a Push, Pull, Legs plan 1x a week frequency good for naturals? I like the layout of “How to build Superhero Muscle” but am wondering if I would be shortchanging myself without hitting muscles 2 x a week?
It’s not a 3 day program?
My understanding of english language is limited but from what Paul respond on that other thread it look like it’s legs 1x and rest 2x.
“Good for naturals…”
My entire training paradigm was built around being natural. You guys need to stop asking questions with this prefacing them.
the question was more about the frequency than the juice lol
Just try it and see if it works. If you are new to lifting, even 3 days a week you will see some improvement, but the body quickly adjusts. Give it 8-12 weeks and see how you are progressing/if you think you can take on more.
The title of your post has “for naturals” in it.
For the OP:
Frequency for naturals. Not gear for naturals. Either way is this meant for 3 day or 6 days a week the article doesn’t state that.
no idea who that is lol
Based on the assumption that “94” is your birth year, I figured there was about 20% chance of you knowing who that is.
6 work out cycle over 3 weeks then begin cycle again.
Week 1: push 1, pull 1, off, legs 1, off, push 2, off
Week 2: pull 2, legs 2, off, push 1, off, pull 2, off
Week 3: legs 2, push 1, off, pull 1, off, legs 2, off
Begin cycle again back to week 1.
Week 1: push 1, pull 1, off, legs 1, off, push 2, off
Week 2: pull 2, legs 2, off, push 1, off, pull 1, off
Week 3: legs 1, push 2, off, pull 2, off, legs 2, off
Begin cycle again back to week 1.
I changed the title so your thong doesn’t pinch your ass that my title was off center.
Dude relax - it was all in jest.