[quote]will-of-iron wrote:
Arnold being told that the young bodybuilders will beat him because they are hunrgier than him because he’s on top and Arnold replying “yes, but when you’re on top and you want the food its there”.
Also, Arnold telling Lou that his (Lou’s) mum is going to bulk him (Arnold) up to 280 and then fix him up with Lou’s sister - nice.[/quote]
YES! that part in the bus at the end of the movie is great, where he is messing with Lou, Arnold was such a smart ass in that movie.
A scene that made me think… When Robby, Ken Waller, and a few others are playing fottball; could anyone imagine any of todays top bodybuilders doing this?
Another great scene is the intro showing Eugene Sandow, great stuff, great film.
After reading this thread I had to get that movie, which I did. Watching these guys work so hard got me too much motivation today… I trained very hard on my “light day” and almost puked on my bike ride home…
I love all the scenes with Lou’s dad. My favourite part is after Lou lost and his dad goes backstage to talk to him, and you sort of wonder if he is going to tell Lou what he did wrong or let his disappointment show, but he doesn’t. He just encourages him and tries to cheer him up. He seemed pretty overbearing throughout the movie and you sort of wonder what is motivating him, but then that scene shows that he is motivated by his son’s dream, not his own.
[quote]MarcAnthony wrote:
My friend was in the middle of a 5x5 for squats and was lifting with authority. I told him to crank out a few more reps because it was too easy for him. He replied that he didnt want to exhaust himself because he still had a few sets left…
So yeah - people have become that anal retentive.[/quote]
I have to take issue with this, because who of us can afford to go all out and add extra sets and reps all the time? Over training is soon to follow. There’s a reason why programs like 5x5 work. Sure you could do more reps, but being able to up your poundages regularly and in the long term makes more sense that to work yourself to exhaustion.
What’s with this mentality I’m seeing on here where everyone sounds like HIT is the only way to train?? Is it that primal rage crap?
oh my god…that movie was hilarious i have to say. personally i thought it was stupid. but wow, it was so funny how he said ‘i feel like im cumming all the time’ during his workouts. wow.
I love this movie. The thing that fascinates me the most is the way the body builders actually look healthy in this movie.
And my favorite part is where Lous voice cracks as he says “I want to beat him!” at the gym. Also, when Lou and his father are cleaning up after a workout, and Lous father says “What a workout”
on a side not while not directly related to Pumping Iron, it is still an awesome f’ing video to get amped up for a workout. The intro scene from Street Fighter 2: The Animated Movie (please choose the unrated version) of the Ryu vs. Sagat fight is absolutely awesome! tell me this wont’s amp you up for a workout!
[quote]warriork wrote:
on a side not while not directly related to Pumping Iron, it is still an awesome f’ing video to get amped up for a workout. The intro scene from Street Fighter 2: The Animated Movie (please choose the unrated version) of the Ryu vs. Sagat fight is absolutely awesome! tell me this wont’s amp you up for a workout![/quote]
[quote]deanosumo wrote:
warriork wrote:
on a side not while not directly related to Pumping Iron, it is still an awesome f’ing video to get amped up for a workout. The intro scene from Street Fighter 2: The Animated Movie (please choose the unrated version) of the Ryu vs. Sagat fight is absolutely awesome! tell me this wont’s amp you up for a workout!
Are you 12 years old?
I prefer Rainbow Bright. That brightly colored bitch could hurl light beams like no body’s business. Whenever I don’t feel like working out, I just think about rainbows and riding talking fucking flying horses and OOOOOOOH SHIT! Do I feel like liftin’!!
Don’t even talk to me about The Smurfs, brother!! Smurfette was one sexy muthafucka and I’ll be damned if one look at that knobby blue tail don’t make me feel like deadlifting 5 times my body weight!!
Don’t knock SF2: The ANIMATED Movie until you see it. It’s an Anime film from Japan. An excellent action film that’s especially cool if you enjoy the video games.
I just watched the movie, thats a motivation tool x100, when ever i feel like missing a workout, i will have a quick look at the video and suddenly run to the gym .