Hello. I’ve just got into lifting again, used to do like 2Xa week maybe, but i was standing still. i mostly just boxed, and it kept my weight at about 12-13 stone. But anyway, i’m on it like 4 times a week now, with 1 day of accessory shit too (rotator cuffs, neck etc) which is cool.
just some advice, i want another supplement to benches for my chest. what are your favourites? i was thinking bout pullovers, any better ones?
I’m lifting for application of fluid strength 1st, looking nice naked and shit 2nd.= For strength
[quote]dannyrat wrote:
Hello. I’ve just got into lifting again, used to do like 2Xa week maybe, but i was standing still. i mostly just boxed, and it kept my weight at about 12-13 stone. But anyway, i’m on it like 4 times a week now, with 1 day of accessory shit too (rotator cuffs, neck etc) which is cool.
just some advice, i want another supplement to benches for my chest. what are your favourites? i was thinking bout pullovers, any better ones?
I’m lifting for application of fluid strength 1st, looking nice naked and shit 2nd.= For strength[/quote]
Pullovers are ok. They aren’t necessarily my favorite and I never really do them. They don’t really isolate the chest that much, but they are a good overall exercise as they incorporate the chest, lats, shoulders, etc.
I guess some people will say it helps expand your rib-cage and such, but I don’t know if there is any real truth to that.
I think you should experiment. You got a lot to choose from. Flies and presses from all angles (incline, flat, decline). All the cable stuff (could be helpful if you box). And push-ups, which to me are underrated and are awesome if you bang out 100 after a chest workout.
[quote]bigblue244 wrote:
dannyrat wrote:
Hello. I’ve just got into lifting again, used to do like 2Xa week maybe, but i was standing still. i mostly just boxed, and it kept my weight at about 12-13 stone. But anyway, i’m on it like 4 times a week now, with 1 day of accessory shit too (rotator cuffs, neck etc) which is cool.
just some advice, i want another supplement to benches for my chest. what are your favourites? i was thinking bout pullovers, any better ones?
I’m lifting for application of fluid strength 1st, looking nice naked and shit 2nd.= For strength
Pullovers are ok. They aren’t necessarily my favorite and I never really do them. They don’t really isolate the chest that much, but they are a good overall exercise as they incorporate the chest, lats, shoulders, etc.
I guess some people will say it helps expand your rib-cage and such, but I don’t know if there is any real truth to that.
I think you should experiment. You got a lot to choose from. Flies and presses from all angles (incline, flat, decline). All the cable stuff (could be helpful if you box). And push-ups, which to me are underrated and are awesome if you bang out 100 after a chest workout.
Hope that helps.[/quote]
What the fuck! you can bang out 100 pushups after a chest workout!? I can’t even do 1 pushup after my chest/tri/shoulder day. Then again I can only do 25 fresh lol.
DB pullovers, I believe if you squeeze at the top of the contraction (really make an effort to do this) can help with that upper cleavage where the pecs meet. If you have mass their to begin with. I am sure some will disagree however.
Thanks. got no cables- home workout. The pullovers sound good. I don’t like flyes, always seemed a bit bodybuilderish for my like, i’d never ever use that movement for real. except hugging some girl, then i don’t want to crush
And i too trash my chest on upper days, can’t imagine doin a set of 100 after, Still im only at like 50 anyway
cool dedicated. I’m concentrate on pecs and leave cleavage 2 the girl in your icon
Na serious i don’t know if this is good, but whenever i lift i mentally trash my muscles, like deadlifts, down, squeeze arse, up, pull shoulders back and tight, overextend spine back, squeeze traps kind of thing.
[quote]dannyrat wrote:
cool dedicated. I’m concentrate on pecs and leave cleavage 2 the girl in your icon
Na serious i don’t know if this is good, but whenever i lift i mentally trash my muscles, like deadlifts, down, squeeze arse, up, pull shoulders back and tight, overextend spine back, squeeze traps kind of thing. [/quote]
Yeah, squeezing her cleavage does sound pretty appealing. Serious, It sounds like you are doing the right thing.
How good would they be for athletes who need to perform overhead swings? It seems to me that pullovers might hit a lot of the muscles involved in those motions.
I love Db pullovers across a bench, agree with dedicated in re to the squeeze, also like getting it directly above my chest and pushing the DB towards the sky, really hits my chest just spot on, great peak contraction movement.
Really enjoy them cross bench with a big weight, feels light a power/flexibillity movement that just feels right for my body.
I would advise not to go too high intensity on these. I’ve injured both shoulders using variations of these excercises, dumbells and cable. Those nautilus machines are the best because they lock in the joint and they don’t allow you to overextend or shift the joint to cheat if you maintain proper position.
If using free weights, i think the best technique would be to lie flat on a bench and use two dumbells to go only as far as having parallel arms to ground, 180 degrees with torso. Obviously this does not apply any resistence once you reach 90 degrees but it is better then nothing and it allows independent motion.
you could use a decline bench but i don’t think most people would have enough room to extend their arms at 180 degrees because of ground contact. you could try for yourself. laters pk