Test Prop 150mgs eod (Not a high amount of test in my opinion)
T-Bol 60mgs ed
1mg Propecia 1mg Day for 2 years
HGH 2iu’s ed for the past year
Nipple soreness at end of week one
Started a-dex 3 days ago @ 1mg ed.
Nipple sensitivity high in the am but decreases in the PM after taking a-dex. Nipples are extre puffy today and I am starting to feel a little burning sensation.
Have never taken test prop before. I have done test e before with nolvadex and no problems.
I know we may have to go though the process of elimination like switching tests or dropping t-bol, or lower dosage of propecia?.
Can I take nolvadex and arimadex together to see what happens, just keep on 1mg a-dex?
Please read post and reply with best thoughts in mind. I turned 40 this year and it seems like at 40 eveything changes.
Taking nolvadex alongside armidex is fine. To combat gyno I believe the recommendation is to take around 60mg of tamoxifen for a few days then lower the dose as it comes under control.
Thanks for the advise again. Can you belive how quick this set in? What would you do in my case?
Dosages a-dex and tamoxifen(nolvadex) and for how long and split doses?
What about slight burning sensation?[/quote]
I have a tiny amount of gyno. Many many guys who use get a tiny amount at some point in their lives. It’s impossible to see with the naked eye but I can feel the hard tissue if I poke around. I say this because it sounds like you caught it early. Early enough for it not to become a cosmetic problem to any degree. Gyno definitely has not ‘set in’ yet. It takes some time for the actual breast growth to become permanent. The puffiness and burning is just an early sign.
Stay with the current adex dose, twice a day. Split the nolvadex up am/pm as well. Maybe take the full 60mg dose of tamoxifen in the am on the first day just to get it in your system.
How long you take the nolvadex is going to depend on when you get it under control. Take the adex throughout the cycle, adjusting the dose as needed. 1mg per day is quite high for someone on ~500mg of T per week, especially since this isn’t your first cycle.
There are other threads on using nolvadex to combat on cycle gyno, try to find them.
Thanks again for the advice. Would you stop the t-bol, and go with anavar or stay with t-bol? I got t-bol from ug lab and it may be more d-bol than t-bol, although I have not bloated yet.
[quote]adventurer wrote:
Thanks again for the advice. Would you stop the t-bol, and go with anavar or stay with t-bol? I got t-bol from ug lab and it may be more d-bol than t-bol, although I have not bloated yet.[/quote]
If the legitimacy of the Tbol is in question, then yes, it may be a good idea to drop it.
[quote]adventurer wrote:
And go with Anavar or not?[/quote]
Will you know the anavar is real? Anavar is one of the more expensive steroids for a UGL to produce. If theres a chance they are faking Tbol I’d be skeptical of the Anavar.
Real anavar will not cause any estrogen problems whatsoever.
I have it straight from US Pharm Grade here in the US. Expensive as hell. 10mg tabs, got 250 of them. Picked up myself with a script from the compound pharmacy.
Letro kicked my ass - if you can get it and it is real, it will take care of gyno under any circumstances IME. I mean, this shit kicked me on my ass. I had 1mg tablets and I was shooting for 2.5mg (because I am seriously prone to gyno) so I just went with 3 tablets per day (3mg total per day) and I had every side in the book - fogginess, I couldn’t think straight, sore joints, no libido etc. etc. but there was no worry about breast tissue. I had to back it off it was so effective - back down to 1mg/day. This is just to say it is very effective at preventing estrogen if that is your goal…
Adex has a long half life and EOD dosing generally works well. Twice a day may not be significantly better.
Generally, one needs 1.0-1.5mg/week per 100mg of test/week. hCG can push up adex needs a lot if the hCG doses are high as a competitive AI cannot deal with T–>E aromatization in the testes when intratesticular testosterone levels are high.