I’m Really Confused - Puffy Nipples

So, as of today I’m completely stumped. It’s been a wild ride for 5 months and now that I’m dialed in, all that remains are puffy nipples. My last two labs including yesterday’s show my E2 in the mid 20’s, prolactin around 9, and everything else also looks normal.

Why the heck are my nipples 2x the size? I feel what seem like they miiiiiight be slight lumps but I can’t really tell if it’s just fat floating around there or what. Either way, 5 months ago I weighed exactly the same (actually 5 lbs more) and had normal nipples. Now they are huge and puffy, even with “normal” labs.

What gives?

I’m on 175mg test c split E3.5D and .5mg arimidex on day after injection (which I want to get rid of but that’s another topic).

What do the rest of your labs look like on this → TT/FT, DHT, SHBG?

How long have you felt dialed in?

I do not feel that you know what “dialed in” means…

Have you tried lowering your dose?

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Possibly not. I would like to lower my dose, talking to my doctor today about it. I want off the AI.

I’ll have to check when I get home but I do know my Total Test was 550 on an injection day prior to injecting.

So just do it? Your doc won’t care if you say you had high E issues so you lowered dose to say 120-140mg/wk. You could likely go down to 100mg/wk and be fine, but everyone is different.

If it were me… I’d lower dose and tell him nothing so I could keep the extra sauce, but my goals aren’t strictly TRT either.

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Would you though with a trough level at 550?

For any number of reasons, it is comforting for me to have excess inventory as opposed to being on the JIT supply for pharmaceuticals.


At 175mg/wk? That’s odd. What’s your Free Test?

I wouldn’t care what the lab numbers say, I’d care how I felt, and clearly 175mg/wk and puffy nipples isn’t making you feel great.

Honestly nothing is feeling exceptionally great. Especially when you have to look at changes in your body that are alarming. I’ll put it this way, If I could snap my fingers and would never had gone on T 6 months ago, I would choose not to take it at all in the first place.

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Water retention and fat maybe?

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If you could get dialed in without any issues, would you rather stay on T?

If the answer is “no”, then just PCT and discontinue. Unless there is some medical need I’m unaware of.


Are you overweight? Like >25% bodyfat?

I’m just wondering why a guy would start two separate threads about his nipples in the span of 2 weeks, asking exactly the same questions.

Dude, lose weight. You said you’re fat. Stop being fat and see what happens.

Also: a trough level of 550 is plenty high, as far as your health is concerned. You can safely lower your dose if that’s the lowest you’re getting.

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I don’t know my percentage but I’m 245, 6’2. Likely 25-35 lbs overweight based on BMI. I do exercise and lift 3x per week and I am fairly active in day to day life but by no means lean or in shape.

I’ve actually lost weight over the last 6 months, and my nipples have grown. That’s not cause for concern? Pre TRT I was 265. 245 now. Would have assumed my body would look better, not worse.

So what are we actually talking about here? Do you have discernible, hard lumps under your nipples? Or are you suggesting your nipples are like, larger in diameter?

I hate to ask this, but before and after pictures would be helpful to see what we’re actually talking about, here. Sometimes perception doesn’t match up to reality. It’s certainly possible that losing some weight has just made them look bigger.

That being said, I’m guessing that, even though you’ve lost weight, you still have quite a bit to lose in order to not be fat anymore, right? How tall are you?

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I’m 6’2 and for sure have more weight to lose. It’s hard for me to tell if the lumps I feel are fat deposits or glandular. Not a perfect circle, just sort of oblong shaped things about the size of a blueberry cut in half.

Here is the best before I could find

And after

You’ve got a little bit of gyno, but it’s not bad at all.

So, it’s likely that you got this before you had properly gotten your e2 under control. The problem is that the tissue doesn’t just magically disappear when you get your e2 in check. Sometimes (most of the time) it sticks around for awhile. But that being said, this is VERY minimal, and I wouldn’t worry about it at all. Most likely, it’ll be gone or nearly gone in the next couple months. It will certainly help if you lose more weight. But it’s just not something worth worrying about. It’s far less noticeable than what I was initially expecting when you said your nipples ‘are 2x the size’ they were before. That’s just objectively false, they aren’t.

I’m always forgetting the name of this drug but there is one that is pretty good about reversing gyno if caught early on. Roloxifine or something maybe ?

Thanks! They have me on Nolva 10mg a day for 30 days. So far it’s not anything.