[quote]StormTheBeach wrote:
[quote]gregron wrote:
[quote]DoubleDuce wrote:
[quote]gregron wrote:
Penn State WILL not and SHOULD not shut down their football program. Shutting down their football team would decimate the schools ENTIRE athletic department because the revenue generated by football pays for virtually every other sport at major universities.
Do the players on the womens water polo team or the men’s baseball team deserve to have their colligate athletic careers ended prematurely because of this scandal? (the answer is absolutely not) What about the players on the Penn State football team who had no idea about this? Do they deserve to have their program shut down? (again, the answer is no)
The University did what they needed to do when this story broke. they fired everyone involved and launched a serious internal investigation. It is NOT Penn States (the rest of the school) fault, it is the fault of several different individuals and they should be the ones punished.
Each person who had a part in the cover up should be:
A. Fired immediately with no severance/retirement.
B. Brought up on criminal charges for their part in this scandal.
C. Sued for all that they are worth in civil court… They should end up broke and in prison with their life ruined.
Penn State should (and I believe will) take down the JoePa statue and distance themselves as much as possible from him. Take down posters, re name clubs/areas that were named after him (which they have already started doing) and wipe the campus of his/anyone involved’s memory.
Disband the football program? Please[/quote]
Part of the function of a penalty is not just justice, but deterrence. If the University made millions off of the football program, and the individuals only suffer consequences, it isn’t much deterrent for other Universities to do differently.
Pretty much ALL NCAA penalties hurt individuals who had nothing to do with infractions. The Reggie Bush thing hurt pretty much entirely players and coaches who weren’t even at the program when the shit went down. You pretty much have to be against all NCAA sanctions if you think a penalty like that is wrong.
There is a truth to the idea of an atmosphere at the university. The university in general put the football program on a pedestal and gave it absolute power. That should be punished too.
I was reading some articles with some more detail about this earlier. But basically, the faculty knew football was #1 priority and that the school did absolutely anything to win games. It was a problem with the entire culture.[/quote]
You do understand that the Reggie Bush incident, the Pryor tattoo Ohio State incident, the MSU “death sentence” incident and the Miami Hurricanes incident were all punishments for actual (or alleged) NCAA infractions right?
The Penn State case isn’t an actual NCAA infraction (I posted a write up about this in the other Penn State thread) they could use the “lack of institutional control” blanket statement to cover this incident but in and of itself it isn’t an actual violation like all the others were.[/quote]
Using the prestegious football program as a feeder system to rape kids might not be spelled out in the NCAA regulations as being ‘frowned upon’ but I am pretty sure it does follow along the same lines as sexual misconduct. Coaches can’t have relationships with players or any non-student athlete. You might be right though. Having sex with kids might be completely fine with the NCAA.
Your logic is totally fucked. Now that this has been uncovered, anyone, student non-athlete and student athlete alike, has to decide if they want to support a program/university that supports raping childeren. Anyone who stays is a pedophile at this point. Personally, I think they should lock Sandusky in the biggest building on campus filled to capacity with other convicted child rapists, and then burn the building down on live TV.[/quote]
I thought that it was a general NCAA rule that breaking the law was a violation. There may not be a NCAA rule specific to murdering someone, but if a player shoots someone, I’d think the NCAA would have penalties too.