Stomach has been acidy the last few days, figured I’d take some baking soda mixed with water this morning. Dumped about 3+ tablespoons in and drank it. Within 5 minutes I felt REALLY weird; nauseous, dizzy and my gut felt like it was about to explode. I just had a VERY unpleasant 10 minutes as my body flushed the mixture from my system. I kind of wish I had just induced vomiting…
Hahahaha, just the title made me laugh so hard
OMG! It is a miracle you didn’t induce a stroke. Can’t even imagine how much sodium was in 3+ tbsp. Might want to drink PLENTY of water. Next time just try a piece if raw potato. Sorry,
holy shit…I just did the math…1/8 of a teaspoon has 6% of your daily sodium…one teaspoon has 48%…each tablespoon is 3 teaspoons, that’s 144% per tablespoon, and I had almost 4. and I CHUGGED that thing in under 20 seconds.
No wonder I felt dizzy, my kidneys were probably jumping out of my back
Uh… yeah. Hope you are feeling better.