As others have already said, do not focus on little adjustments. A small dosage change like that should not cause the issues you are experiencing. Could it be that you are having anxiety related to TRT and dosaging? Overly focusing/worrying will create a nightmare for you. Like @blshaw said… try to live your best life. Most men who blast their TRT dosage hardly notice dosage changes for at least a few weeks. If you are being affected by anxiety/stress learn to cope with that so your TRT can be what it is meant to be (hormonal optimization) it is not a cure all. Make sure things such as sleep, diet, and stress are managed correctly and you will be on your way to a healthy lifestyle. Do not read too much into everything, the mind is very powerful and can trick us into downward spirals quickly if we allow negative thinking to dominate our thoughts. Please see my thread for more about this specific topic
I hope you find some of the information useful, I was in a similar state of mind and also experienced physical symptoms. Psychogenic symptoms started in the mind can manifest as physical symptoms. Stay the course and focus on the things you can control and change to live healthier. Once I started to realize my negative thinking, and I began to control my stress/anxiety, a lot of symptoms subsided. Best of luck to you