Protocol Change Problems

3 weeks ago I have changed from2 injections of 100mg/week to 2 x 125/week, on the 100mg a week I was feeling much better than pre trt but 2 weeks in on 125/wk I have crashed to pre trt. Can changing the dosage that little amount effect me that much or is there something else to it.

The reason for an increase is my tests came back and I had a little room to move. I also noticed the oil from the compound pharmacy was alot different from the first 3 I got, when I asked the pharmisist they said that they have not changed anything which I find weird.

Which is it… two weeks or three weeks? Not that it matters. There are so many factors affecting your well being I would find it hard to pin on this sole test dose change so soon. Give it some more time and try not to focus on this too much. Live your best life and reevaluate after 6-8 weeks have passed.

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Thanks I will try and keep mead down for another 5 weeks and reassess how I feel. I just really wanted to know if the small dosage could take me back to square one @blshaw

Why did you change your protocol if you were doing so good?

No it shouldn’t. I originally was thinking ‘yeah small change’ but its 25% boost and in the grand scheme of things could certainly make a difference. Its just not likely to make any major impact quickly. For example, I jump from 140mg/wk to 500mg/wk twice a year and don’t notice anything for 4-5 weeks as is the case with most of my adjustments to protocol. We are not all the same animal but I can only speak to generalities as most of us fall in that category.

As I said I felt better than pre trt but I felt like there was a little room for improvement

I feel you because ive been there. But if it aint broke dont fix it. Once you start chasing the dragon of ‘a little bit better’ you’ll be wishing it was as good as it was. Look around and read all the posts of people who struggle to ever get a dialed in at all and sometimes feel worse on TRT. Be grateful it works for you.

I thought the increase wouldnt make me feel like pre trt (fatigue, brain fog and now depression creepin back) this has been going on for a full week now (I’m 3 weeks in and symptoms came back at 2) so that’s why I thinks it’s a shit batch of medicine. I got primotestin coming today I might stop the compounded stuff and see how that goes.

So when you blast do you feel the cruise levels until wk 5? And then it’s take off

I start seeing gains in strength and pounds start accruing on the scale at about that time. Its not a take off per say but a slow bleed into the blast. Its a lot different than going from low T to TRT levels. On that you get the mental perks that I don’t get going from TRT to higher Test. Its more of a strength and weight gain thing. Plus you have to deal with excess bloat and some other sides of higher test.

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There are people who say any change in protocol can make it seem as if you are starting all over because your body has to find homeostasis again. I am not one of those people but perhaps you are sensitive to the changes. Giving it the full 6-8 weeks will give you an idea if you made the right move any sooner and you may just prolong finding it.

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This. well said

As others have already said, do not focus on little adjustments. A small dosage change like that should not cause the issues you are experiencing. Could it be that you are having anxiety related to TRT and dosaging? Overly focusing/worrying will create a nightmare for you. Like @blshaw said… try to live your best life. Most men who blast their TRT dosage hardly notice dosage changes for at least a few weeks. If you are being affected by anxiety/stress learn to cope with that so your TRT can be what it is meant to be (hormonal optimization) it is not a cure all. Make sure things such as sleep, diet, and stress are managed correctly and you will be on your way to a healthy lifestyle. Do not read too much into everything, the mind is very powerful and can trick us into downward spirals quickly if we allow negative thinking to dominate our thoughts. Please see my thread for more about this specific topic

I hope you find some of the information useful, I was in a similar state of mind and also experienced physical symptoms. Psychogenic symptoms started in the mind can manifest as physical symptoms. Stay the course and focus on the things you can control and change to live healthier. Once I started to realize my negative thinking, and I began to control my stress/anxiety, a lot of symptoms subsided. Best of luck to you

I highly recommend checking your Thyroid.
Free T3
Free T4
Reverse T3

If that checks out, do a 24 Hour Saliva Cortisol test.
Exogenous androgens increase your body’s requirements and will stop working if there is a ‘weak link’ in the chain. Then you must address those problems with specific nutrients such as Vitamin C, Iodine, Magnesium, Vit. D, etc.
Or, there may be an underlying reason such as current infections or post antibiotic use (intestinal dysbiosis)

@grinnin no anxiety at all. Thanks for the reply I’ll ride this out for another 2 months and if nothing changes I’ll get thyroid done and reassess from that point

Thanks for the replies.
I am feeling a little better this week, last week it just felt like I had to give it my all to get through now I can just Coast a little more.