Got another Q - Unfortunately, that gosh dang vegan author also made me question the efficiency at which animal vs. veggie protein is broken down. He said that our bodies can only get about 25% of the total amino acids out of animal flesh, versus 50% for veggies??!!
Also, speaking of amino acids, I have learned long ago in my first few months in fitness, that most veggies cannot provide complete proteins. Meaning, they do not have all the essencial amino acids like animal proteins do. But, I just read an interesting post that hemp protein IS a complete protein?! So, what gives???
Again, any and all feedback would be greatly appreciated!
[If nothing else, I want to have more firepower in the form of education fight the vegan movement!!!]
This vegan author is a nutcase. Where the heck does he get his information? It’s definitely not from any sort of scientific study. Perhaps he communicates with animals and they provide him with such nutritional nonsense in an attempt to save their own lives. Ok, I’ll admit that was lame, but seriously what is this vegan guy on?
Animal protein is broken down, absorbed, and utilized more efficiently than plant-based protein. Scientists use a variety of ways to determine the quality of a protein. For a brief summary go to Guess what? Animal protein consistently beats out vegetable protein in all areas. Not to mention, certain animal proteins like whey and casein have novel properties like being able to jack up protein synthesis rates by 300% or stop protein breakdown for six hours. I would like to see a vegetable protein do that.
As for the hemp, I’m not familiar with it off hand but I can almost guarantee it’s not going to be able to touch whey in the above mentioned protein scores. Check it out for yourself. See how it scores. Regarding claims about hemp being a complete protein, it probably does contain all the essential amino acids, but several of those amino acids are present in such small quantities that it is physiologically an incomplete protein. I’d have to look it up to be completely sure.
Vegans are always making claims that they fail to back with good science. Any time a vegan makes a claim make sure they back it with some sort of evidence, and if he gives you a study check it to make sure he isn’t interperting it incorrectly. In short, never take what they say at face value.
Yeah, I’m convinced that vegans get a little too extreme and out-landish with their claims on average. Again, I wanted to educated myself on these items anyway.
I appreciate the info. I figured that animal proteins have just as good or better bioavailability as veggies.
That site you referred me to did help with a few definitions. But, I didn’t find any studies or research helpful to prove a point either way. It simply stated animal proteins are considered complete. While a single veggie protein was not. But, by eating a diet of a variety of veggies, vegans can get all their EAA’s. This is no surprise - I was more interested in studies showing animal protein was over-all higher quality.
Further, I totally disagree with the site saying that soy should be a part of our diet. They mentioned up to 25 grams a day! They say the ADA accepts this and therefore it must be true. However, studies are showing that soy is a very poor protein and increases estrogen! I have heard some studies say that soy is equivalent to giving a baby several birth control pills when they consume artificial formula!!! I personally feel the ADA and the AMA is full of shit half the time! But, that’s besides the point…
In any event, thanks for your help. If you have any references that would be more helpful than the last, PLEASE post for me! THANKS! Take care…
I agree with you completely. Soy protein is garbage. It’s scary what the soy formula does to a babie’s hormone levels. In my opinion, soy should only consumed in its whole and fermented form (miso, soy sauce, tempeh) and then only in small amounts.
The page I listed doesn’t say anything about soy. I simply refrenced it so you could see the different ways scientists measure protein quality. It’s a scientific fact that animal proteins score higher in all the categories on the web page. I’m having some difficulty finding a page that lists the protein scores of a variety of foods booth plant and animal. When I have more time, I’ll do a more thorough search and post the results.