I’ve pasted the kind reply I got from Bret Contreras when asked for some nutritional advice. I find it quite illuminating because it’s a a pretty common sense approach (quite an unusual trait in the extreme realm known as bodybuilding!). The protein advice part especially:
Bret C: "It’s crazy, I’m currently taking a nutrition class as a pre-requisite to a PhD program at ASU and I can’t believe the crap that dietitians preach. They will tell you that you only need around 50 grams of protein per day and that 65% of your calories should come from carbs. Any excess protein will be stored as fat. I don’t espouse this for optimum body composition.
For getting ripped quickly, I like the Palumbo diet…basically lean meats and healthy oils.
For long term lean-living, I like lean meats, fish, eggs, olive oil, greens, nuts, seeds, plain yogurt, fruit (in the a.m. and after a workout), skim milk, and whey protein. We have to consider longevity which is why I espouse yogurt for the good bacteria and fruit for the potassium and polyphenols.
For the natural person, I believe that we don’t quite need 1 gram/pound of bodyweight/day of protein, but I aim for around 150 grams per day (I weigh 225 lbs). For the steroid user I believe 1.5 grams/lb of bodyweight/day is best. I think we should get around 100 grams of fat per day, 33 saturated, 33 monounsaturated, and 33 polyunsaturated, making sure to get at least 3 grams of omega 3’s per day.
While protein and fat should be kept relatively constant, carb intake should be cycled throughout the week. Some days go high, some days go medium, some days go low. You can get a lot of carbs from fruit, milk, and yogurt (with some in the nuts and greens too) so extra carbs should be complex (brown rice, yams, oats, etc.) except right after a workout (or possibly in the morning). Always a whey protein shake after the workout.
One or two cheat meals per week is good for the thyroid and makes it easier to comply to a healthy diet. Plus, it’s manly to sometimes eat a hotdog, a cheeseburger, some wings, pizza, or to drink a beer or two."