HI guys I just wanted to share my journey. I first joined T Nation around 6 months ago asking for advice about steroids. The guys on T Nation adviced me I am not ready for steroids as I was a beginner with little training experience. They suggested hiring a coach which at the time I couldn’t afford so I tried to focus on diet and training correctly. Here is a pic of me below before I started this journey around spetember 2019
From September 2019 until March 2020 I gained weight some muscle but more fat. I think that was mainly down to diet and not getting the most out of my progress. Here’s a pic below
From early March 2020 I hired a coach. I train twice a week with him. One day a full body circuit using various techniques such as kettle bells, resistance bands and body weight exercises and the second day of the week he is teaching me to box. I have also taken up skipping when I am not training with him. This combined with tweaking my diet has been a game changer. Here isafter pics a month or so later.
To all beginners out there there is no need for steroids. Hire a coach or if you cannot afford to do so there are plenty of resources online. Learn how to train and eat roepely first before even considering to use steroids. Once you improve your physique you probably won’t want to. I have no interest in steroids at all anymore!
Keep going. Pretty good for 6 months. You have noticable differences, and I find that for me those are very motivating.
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Good to hear and good attitude. Well done.
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Tbh I only started making the noticable differneces in the last 5 weeks or so since hiring a coach. Best decision I made. Even when I leave my coach I have a wealth of information that cannot be taught online or on forums. He has perfected my form in a wide range of exercises and taught me one of the most important things. Fitness is not a sprint it is a marathon. Fitness is a lifestyle and discipline is key.
I work with a powerlifting coach. Long term it helps a bunch IMO.
Update pics still at it putting the work in!
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There is very noticeable size in your arms from your starting pics. Also overall much leaner. What are your physique goals?
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Thanks man. Physiquz wise my goal is to be lean and athletic with a decent amount of muscle. Dont need to be bodybuilder huge as long ad I look good in cloths and look like I workout.
Keep it up! At some point you’ll stall out being able to put weight on the bar every week in your big lifts. At that point you’ll need to up your calories a little. But keep going, it’s clearly working.
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Iat the moment due to the current situation I switched up training and hired a coach. Twice a weeek we do fully body routone outside using kettlebells, resisyance bands a’d dumbells but mainly body weight exercises. Havnt actuzlly done any compound exercises for a while man.
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Still at it another progress pic not where I want to be but I will get there one day.
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