This has probably been thought of before, but I haven’t read it anywhere, so here goes:
I want to incorporate a variety of rep ranges, and pace myself on exercises, and make sure I am making solid progress. So each week I want to try and lift more total weight than the week before.
Alright so heres the outline of the plan:
You pick a weight that you can do for 7 reps max. Then you do 4 sets of 5 with that weight for that particular exercise.
The next week you increase the number of TOTAL reps, so last week you did 20 reps, this week you should aim for 21-23 reps.
Once you are able to do 4 sets of 10 with that same weight, find another 7 rep max, and then use that weight.
So for example:
Week 1:
Bench Press, 100kg for 5, 5, 5, 5
Week 2:
Bench Press, 100kg for 6, 6, 5, 5
Skip forward a few weeks:
Week #:
Bench Press, 100kg for 10, 10, 10, 9/10
Up weight so it goes back down to 5,5,5,5.
This is just a idea that I am currently using for a program, I don’t see why it would not work, after all each week I am forcing myself to lift more weight, so my body will adapt to add more muscle (Providing nutrition/rest is adequete)
For now I can see this working, but I am sure that are some flaws to it (which is why i’m posting it to get some feedback).
Also I’ve found it easier to lift high weight when I build up to it gradually, for example, i do 80kg for 2 sets of 5 to warm up, then up it to 90kg for 5 reps, then 100kg for 5, then 110kg for 2 sets of 5. However, I’m not sure how to incorporate that into this program.
If anyone’s got any ideas on how to touch this up feel free to post.
On a side note: I know there are ‘proven’ programs out there like the ones CT has made up and EDT, but I enjoy working at this one a lot more and I feel its easier to keep track of progress.