[quote]Dragon wrote:
WTlifter wrote:
Dragon wrote:
I also forgot to mention abs.
weighted Situps-5x5
weighted led raise-5x5
(hanging version for these 2 if possible)
Plank-hold for as long as you can 1x
weighted russien twist-5x5 (each side)
Twisting wood chops-5x5 (each side. 20bl or heavier hammer if possible)
D.B. side bend-5x5 (each side)
It is overkill to do that all in two training sessions. As one of the previous posters said, it is better to just do one ab/oblique exercise a day and rotate them ever 4-5 weeks.
Get strong.
I agree. But if you look at every day is going to be overkill…
Monday…6 pressing movement for 5x5,by the time he gets to the last pressing move his tri’s are going to be burnt.
Same thing with wednesday & sundays, hes lifting to heavy for 2 times a week on the same muscles…just check out some of chad waterburys article on this type of thing.
His whole routine is a little overkill, but if he can handle that,then it might possilbe for him to handle abs twice a week since each one I chose hits a little different than the other…Mike robertson’s anatomy articles will explain what im doing.
stay strong,
The ab/oblique exercises are great. I agree that the program in general is a bit of an over kill He is training four days a week. That means he can do 4 different ab/oblique exercises a week. Since the ab/oblique exercises are not near as strenuous as some of the compound lifts I think he should be able to do one exercise at the end of each workout easily. Although I think he will be able to get all his ab/oblique work in the way I mentioned, it is not a good idea to mix compound lifts like deads & front squat on the same day.
It is good to push yourself, but you are not really going to be able to front squat as heavy as you would if you didn’t do these two lifts on the same day(hence, your not going to be able to take full advantage of front squats). Try to cycle your workout every four weeks. I find doing 80%, 90%, 45%, 100%+, works awesome for a four week cycle, and you even get your unloading week in week three. Keep a log, so you can keep track of your progress monthly!
Also, if you have a shitty diet, you will not progress as well as if you had a good diet.