I shot 1 cc of tren and 1 cc of test prop, both of which I’ve used in the past, in my left outer quad. I pinned in a place I had done many times before and while there is some soreness it’s NOTHING like this. My knee is slightly swollen the area is not red or throbbing or hot, but it is very very hard and comparing to the other leg slightly swollen.
I did notice was I guess could be scar tissue on the way in? I was using a 23 gauge 1 1/2 inch pin and on the way in I could feel little popping sensations like I was ripping through some tougher layers then I would normally, is that scar tissue? Now something I just realized looking at Pankie’s post is I might not have aspirated. Yes I always make a point to but for some fucking reason I cant’ remember if I did.
I know the routine on how to keep things from hurting to begin with but once the damage is done what can you do? To top it all off I destroyed my calves the other day and they are so sore I would be limping anyway. Now it’s just pathetic!
BTW, P-22 any idea on those home cholesterol tests?
That is rough man. I feel for you here. I personally inject in the delts and glutes. I have always been intimidated with using the legs as an injection site and I know that it is a common site. In the past I started having problems with my injections in the glutes. The swelling was ungodly and at times the pain was incredible. Walked with a limp and had to have my girlfriend help me put my shoes and socks on. It was ridiculous!!!
I was using the same procedures and techniques for injecting as always.
I wasn’t using anything out of the ordinary.
3 ml high and outside ect…
BUT I was using a 1 inch pin 22g.
So I went back to the normal 1.5 inch pin and that totally made the differance.
I was relieved but a bit baffled at the fact that my ass is very lean and muscular and I thought that 1" pins would suffice. I guess I was wrong.
Oh… The reason I replied to you is that when I had my worst pain and limp I was really stressing and thought that I had fucked myself good. But within 10 fucking days of hell I was good to go.
Unfortunately I have no experiance at all with the leg site so I don’t know what to tell you. Good Luck and I am sure someone will be able to help you on here.
I injected a similar dose of tren and test into my left quad and was limping for 3 days. Since then I’ve been sticking to other injection sites. Ice and compression seemed to help.
I’ve had that scar tissue problem before where you penetrate what feels like a brick wall compared to normal flesh. After I pulled the needle out it bled like someone opened the flood gates. After my cycle it completely disappeared though. As far as the pain goes I just spent 3 days in the hospital from a bad celulitis infection so I can sympathize with you except the pain was so bad I couldn’t stand let alone walk.
I had cellulitis once in uni, don’t know how I got it (it was on the back of my calf muscle), I think it was from a puncture during rugby. I didn’t think much of it (a little sore and kinda infected) until i woke up and couldn’t walk cause the pain was so bad.
My whole calf was red and there were red traces along the viens. I had some friends help me to the hospital where they sucked out a bunch of fluid and gave me IV injections of antibiotics every 6 hours. made me glad i live in a time where we have antibiotics.
I don’t have experience with the quad shot as my first one fucked me up for a while. I opted for other injection sites after that. Good luck wide and keep us posted.
I don’t inject my quads as often as glutes and delts, but for some reason I too get a strange feeling when piercing the skin surrounding the outer quadricep. It feels almost like pushing through several thick layers of plastic wrap. For me, quads are extremely painful to inject. I always have trouble walking for almost a week afterward.
The worst feeling I’ve ever experienced was the night after injecting 2cc’s of test supsension into my quad. I could barely walk for three days and couldn’t sleep form the pain.
i just finished injection 50mg test prop and 50mg tren ace into my quad which for me is .5cc’s and it was totally painless. i just squeeze a bunch of fat together and put it in. YES, i did aspirate!
Quick question. Off the subject but another sort of problem. I recently tore my labrum. Not terrible. Just fraying and slight truncation. Been in physical therapy for 3 weeks and am seeing progress. My body is my livelihood and september starts back into full season with full time professional fighting and teaching etc. I need to get better as fast as possible and want to avoid surgery. A friend ntioned the possibility of a prescription anabolic and i am wondering if anyone has had any experience with an injury like this and using anabolics and if it will actually help and any sort of negative repercussions. thanks for the time.
I’d go with anavar and good luck trying to get a script for it. Deca might also help but IMO var would be a better choice. HGH would probably work better then any anabolic for your particular problem but it’s very expensive and no doc I know would prescribe it. In fact for your injury I HIGHLY doubt any doc will prescribe shit but painkillers and anti- inflamatories (sp?) wich are most likely even more liver toxic then any oral steroids you could taken. Certainly more liver toxic then anavar, and deca isn’t liver toxic at all.
Well I won’t do that again. The IT band diagnosis seems most likely. I could have sworn the area I had pinned was a place I’d pinned before? However, looking at a nurse’s pamplet for proper injections it was not even in the ballpark. Close but a little to far outside and kinda high. Still probably good by spotinjections.com’s standards, but they even pin traps last I checked on that site. Don’t try that one guys.