You guys are getting me all freaked out over this stealth injection pain. I have heard many reports of painful injections … however, this is a lot more than mere irritation.
I just recieved my stealth shipment of supertest and boldenone. Planned on using 675mg supertest (1.5ml) and 200mg boldenone (1.0ml) E3D. But now I am afraid!! Damn.
I will let you guys know how it goes. I only purchased stealth to see how the satchets worked (ease of transfer, how much volume can be reasonably removed, etc), and to test the quality of the products. I think everyone should be up-to-date on this lab. Although, I have to say up front that I have never experienced any pain from any products I have used … ever. So if I experience any discomfort with this product, then something must be up.
Purely speculation.
I dont believe their products are as clean as they could be. After 14 weeks of stealth test e. I can say that the product has a very high ba content but i suspect cleanliness as the cuplrit.
One shot would swell up my glute to a softball, while another from the same sachel was painless.
This was roughly 50/50, half of my pins were grosly painful while the other half were painless.
You would think with the same painful reviews all over the net they would correct the problem.
Im done now, not the most pleasant experience.
[quote]E-man wrote:
On a side note does anybody else every experience these sides on any other brand of Test.[/quote]
Nope but I have had the same sides with stealth,they are getting better every time I use but still hurts like hell for 5 days
I’ve been waiting 6 weeks for the Stealth EQ I ordered to show up but after reading this thread and several others I almost hope it doesn’t come at all because it sounds like it’s pretty much crapola.
[quote]plasticman wrote:
I’ve been waiting 6 weeks for the Stealth EQ I ordered to show up but after reading this thread and several others I almost hope it doesn’t come at all because it sounds like it’s pretty much crapola. [/quote]
Didn’t mean to freak anyone out with my post. I also use the stealth EQ but it is completely painless so fear not. I think the problems are concentrated on their testosterone blends. All I’ve heard is the supertest and enanthate giving problems. Has anyone tried their cypionate?
Did a shot of stealth test cypionate(1cc) on Saturday. No pain, no lump, no problems.
2 weeks from order to delivery.
[quote]plasticman wrote:
I’ve been waiting 6 weeks for the Stealth EQ I ordered to show up but after reading this thread and several others I almost hope it doesn’t come at all because it sounds like it’s pretty much crapola. [/quote]
By the way plasticman … it took 35 buisness (45 total) days to recieve my stealth shipment. Way too long!
I’ve had many problems with this stuff in the past. Buy some sterile oil and mix it in to lower the BA everytime you shoot. This stopped my pain from various underground gear!
hey all, the abscess in my arm is less than 50% what it was, and the peripheral swelling that affected all my upper arm al the way down into my forearm is now gone, the redness that had spread all the way to my elbow has receded back to just a few mm around the abscess site. pain is almost gone.
the initial culture results so far are “clear”(the gram stain came back clear) but final will take another few days.
i will keep all posted on the final culture report.
similar here max, some injections would cause problems, some not. and it affects my glutes less than my delts.
well final results after 3 days of growth, the sample showed no signs of bacteria. what was there was blood and LOTS of leukocytes. so my immune system was reacting to something, but not bacteria. my arm is almost back to normal, the hard knot is only about the size of a quarter now, and not painful or red anymore.
Thanks for the info, heavythrower. Helps all of us to know. Do you think that there was any necrosis from a high BA content? Or maybe the leukocytes formed due to impurities?
I have found that injecting very slowly helps with post injection soreness. A 1cc shot will take me about a minute or more.
[quote]Mike Sullivan wrote:
I have found that injecting very slowly helps with post injection soreness. A 1cc shot will take me about a minute or more.[/quote]
I thought you experienced no pain or lumps?
[quote]slimjim wrote:
Mike Sullivan wrote:
I have found that injecting very slowly helps with post injection soreness. A 1cc shot will take me about a minute or more.
I thought you experienced no pain or lumps?[/quote]
I have not experienced pain or swelling from the Stealth test cypionate product. My point is that some post injection pain can be attributed to injecting the product too forcefully. It may be coming out the needle like a firehose and causing some tissue inflamation.
[quote]Mike Sullivan wrote:
I have not experienced pain or swelling from the Stealth test cypionate product. My point is that some post injection pain can be attributed to injecting the product too forcefully. It may be coming out the needle like a firehose and causing some tissue inflamation.
Gotcha, I just don’t think the posts associated with this thread were people experiencing pain due to poor injection procedure, though that could exacerbate an already painful, shitty product.
[quote]heavythrower wrote:
similar here max, some injections would cause problems, some not. and it affects my glutes less than my delts. [/quote]
i used stealths for the first time recently and had a painful experience as well.
will stick with human grade from now on.
[quote]lattimus wrote:
Thanks for the info, heavythrower. Helps all of us to know. Do you think that there was any necrosis from a high BA content? Or maybe the leukocytes formed due to impurities?[/quote]
no necrosis, as i am free of infection. necrotic tissue will become colonized with bacteria very soon, regardless of location.
i suspect more of an immune reation to various no organic impurities, or this “BA” i keep hearing stories about.
Good to hear that its not an infection.
I did a Stealth cycle around 3 months ago. Had initial crippling pain and was unable to walk after shots in my quads and glutes. But after the 2nd week or so, the muscles must have become used to the BA or whatever that was causing the pain.
By the 5th week, any pain or irritation was not noticeable.