Where to begin…
oh yeah, where dem darn protesters done git to?.. oh yeah, no war going on. Forgot that one lil point.
As for 9/11 - so attacking Iraq really has nailed down Al Quaeda hasn’t it? Saddam was ready to stroll right up to our border with all his WMDs wasn’t he? Maybe thats why they can’t find em out in the sand. Lets search Castro’s house, thats it!! and on and on… the cycle of violence…
Wouldn’t ita been cool if the US didn’t train Bin Laden & the Taliban back during the USSR/Afghan war?
Arming Saddam to get rid of Iran sure worked wonders too, look at the democratic paradise Iran became! and the cycle goes on…
or maybe…just maybe… the US really isn’t seeking stability in the region… think it’d hurt US oil corporations if the Arab nations banded together & formed a strong tight oil front? naah, thats just gibberish peacenik talk.
Well, at least the Bush/Cheney major contributors stand to make a few billion in the coming yr from the liberation of all that oi…errr… Iragis. That sure will help come campaign time, cause jeez, the domestic economic strategy isn’t working out too well.
Seems to me if the goal is to really crack down on Al Quaeda the concentration would be on Yemen, Somalia, S Arabia etc… but you should already know this arguement.
Senior Diesel,
True, North Korea is a bad situation. But you know what they want? food and oil. They are not threatening to invade anyone- only have threatened to level Seoul if attacked, NOT the same thing. the only economy they have is generated by selling weapons. Take away the incentive to do that and they will be easier to deal with, then let S Korea and their other neighbors work to remedy the situation.
Why are S Koreans and others in Asia more frightened by the US (when they can be hit by Kim’s missles & the US can’t) ?? Because they know that the cowboys brining the cavalry do nothing but kick up shit, & they will be left with a mighty big shit heap.
I live in Asia- i see this in the news EVERYDAY and get a different perspective, so believe it that nobody here wants war. They KNOW N. Korea isn’t going to attack unless they are made to feel theres no way out, no way to solve it diplomatically. and the LAST thing they want is for the US to attack, which brings bloodshed right into their pachinko parlor.
People here remember WWII VERY well. they remember their homes being bombed to rubble & family burned in front of their eyes.
And they’d rather not go thru it again because Bush has a bad case of the Napolean syndrome.